HCA 13/71 f.165r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.165r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th. article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd Titus Complayn
att the tyme of the lading his goods on board the sayd hoy Primrose was
att full liberty att his owne choise to have laden his goods upon any other
hoy or vessell; And he beleiveth that the sayd Brandling Stot nor
Blomfeild nor any of them did desire or advise to lade his goods in the
Primrose, nor did indeed know that he did lade any thereon. And
he cannot depose.

To the Crosse=Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the 1. Interrogatory. he saith he was Master of the sayd hoye and on board her when the
sayd storme happened. and the sayd hoye in her sayd passage from this port for
Ipswich the tyme in question cáme within four leagues or twelve miles
of Ipswich water interrate. And further, saving his foregoeing deposi=
tions to which he referreth himselfe, he cánnot otherwise than negatively

To the 2. Interrogatory This Rendent saith he doth well remember that there were
shipped att this port on board the sayd hoy the Primrose whereof this Rendent
was Master for the sayd Titus Complayne and to be delivered to him att Ipswich
a chest of sugar, and certayne Casks of Tobacco and other goods. and a
parcell of [?pay]. And the sayd Complayne was to pay freight for the same
to him this Rendent. But he saith he knoweth not, nor can depose for
whose accompt the sayd goods were, nor the quantityes of them, or their kind
and quality otherwise than as aforesayd, nor the value or price of them
or any of them. And this Rendent sayled with the sayd hoye and goods in
her towards Ipswich and cáme to anchor off of the [?Spilts] waiting for the
next flood, but in the meane tyme the weather became tempestuous and forced
the sayd hoy from her anchor which was there lost. And then being driven
as farr as the [?Sladway] he this Rendent cast out another anchor, but
in the night tyme the storme increasing broke the cable, and drave (sic) the sayd
hoye upon the Coast of fflanders neere to Graveling where being forced
upon the sands she was bilged, and thereby she and her lading [XX XXXX] lost. And
otherwise he cannot answer.

To the 3. Interrogatory he saith that the usuall Company for the sailing of such an hoye
betwixt this Port and Ipswich is a Master, a Mariner and two boyes. howbeit sometymes
especially in the tyme of impressing of Mariners such vessells are mannaged
by a Master and three boyes. And otherwise he cannot answer.

To the 4th. Interrogatory he saith that att such tyme as the sayd Complaines goods were
laden there were belonging to the sayd hoy one man being him this Rendent
and three boyes by name one Bridges whose Christian name was Henry
of John as he remembreth. Henry Eliott, and a brother of his, who went in her
from this port, and were all on board her in the sayd passage, and coming
to the fflandrian shoare in manner as aforesayd. And he beleiveth that the sayd
vessell was sufficiently manned, and that the storme was so violent that had
she bene much better manned she could not probably have escaped the
foresayd disaster or have arrived in safety. And further, saving
his foregoeing depositions to which he referreth him he cannot answer
