HCA 13/71 f.157r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 157 |
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IMAGE: P1130481.JPG | |
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Janet Few | |
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2012/11/19 | |
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Edited on 25/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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pursunce of a Contract of Charterparty made betweene the said hasilgrave
and the said Chowne and Company at the makeing signeing sealing or
delivery of which Charterpartie this deponent saith hee was not present and
Therefore cannot further depose
To the 4th Article hee saith That the said John hasilgrave and Companie
having received in and aboard the said shipp the Levant friggat the outwards
lading of corne aforesaid shee sett sayle therewith towards, and arrived and
discharged the same in good order at Genoa, from whence they sayled the said
shipp to the Island of Lepora where they received on board her 3000 barills
of raisins being all the goods and merchandises which the factors or Agents of
the said Chowne and Companie there did or would lade aboard her, which
lading was bought in the said shipp to this Port of London and there
effectually delivered, This deponent for all the time of the said voiage being
Boatswaine and Masters mate of and in the said shipp, and assistant in
the stowage of the said goods And further cannot depose:/
To the 5th article he saith That presently after the lading of the said 3000
barrills by one Abraham hopgood factor or Agent for the said Chowne and
Companie the said hopgood coming aboard the said shipp at or neere Lepora
aforesaid, the said Captaine hasilgrave in the hearing of this deponent and
others of the said shipps Companie demanded of him whether hee had
any more goods to send aboard, but what the said hopwood answered hee saith
hee knoweth not nor what further discourse passed between them upon that
subject but saith the next day being the 17 or 18th day of October 1654 the said
Captaine and Companie sett saile with the said shipp and goods towards London
The premisses hee knoweth and deposeth upon the grounds predeposed And
further cannot depose:/
To the 6th hee saith That the said shipp the Levant friggatt could very
well have received about five hundred barrills of raisins over and besides
the said 3000 barrills and have brought the same conveniently to this Port of
London if the said hopegood or any other Agent of the said Chowne and
Companie had laden or carried the same to bee laden and putt on board her,
Which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent was Masters mate of and
aboard the said shipp and assistant in the lading and stowing of the said
goods, and her eby well observing that there was roome and convenience
enough to have laden at predeposed. And further cannot depose/:
To the 7th article hee saith, hee knoweth nothing thereof:
To the 8th hee refereth himselfe to the Acts and preceeding of this Court,
And further cannot depose./
To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee answereth and saith that about 15 tunns of goods besides
the said 3000 barills might conveniently have been stowed partly in the
hold and partly between the decks of the said shipp at the time of her
lading aforesaid
To the second hee saith the said shipp to be in her homeward lading interrate
at the Port of Lepora aforesaid where twenty hundred weight is
commonly reputed and passeth for a Tunne
To the third hee saith, That according to the Computation aforesaid the
said shipps lading of 3000 barills amounted to one hundred and fifty Tunne,
sayeing he knoweth not of any other goods laden or brought aboard the said
shipp from Lepora the voiage aforesaid then besides the said 3000 barills
To the 4th hee saith That hee this respondent at the time of the said shipps
lading at Lepora was Masters mate of and aboard her for which voiage
hee hath received his whole wages, and wisheth the victory in this suite
to the partie which hath most right And futher cannot depose
Repeated before Doctor Godolphin
[?Henrey] [?Barnes] [SIGNATURE RH SIDE]