HCA 13/71 f.148r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.148r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second and third Interrogatories this deponent saith that he did know
the shipp Christopher of Portsmouth
Daniel Bradley Master att the tyme
the shipp was att Saint Remo, which is a port or place not far from
Genoa and whilest she lay there in the month of december 1655 last
past he the sayd Daniel Bradley did of this deponents certayne
sight and knowledge lade or cause to be laden on board the sayd
shipp for his owne use and accompt two caskes of a certayne
muscadine wyne, and a quantitiy of lemons and oranges, which
with her goods being laden the sayd shipp in the sayd month of
december sett sayle and departed therewith upon her homewards
voyage which was intended to this Port of London, and being
upon her Course an Enemy Shipp and Man of Warr formerly
belonging to Brest mett with her and tooke her and her lading

on or about the fifteenth of January 1656 last past, about ten or twelve leagues South-Southwest off of Scylly. And the name of the man of war was the Francis Capt: Hayley Commander. John Clements [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

and the same was afterwards carryed to Sha[?s]hune in Biscay within
the Kingdom of Spayne and thene made prize of. And att the
tyme of the sayd surprizall the foresayd goods of the sayd
Bradley were on board the sayd shipp Christopher, and by means
of the sayd surprizall were and are utterly lost to him the sayd
Bradley. All which this deponent hath deposed for that he was
a foremast Man in and on board the sayd shipp the voyage aforesayd
and present in her upon there was surprized as is before declared.
And otherwise he saith he cannot depose.

John Clements [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


On behalf of the sayd
Hugh Salisbury and others

The seventh day of April Examined upon the sayd Interrogatories

Rp. 2

John Clements of S[XXX]age in the County of Dorsett Mariner late one of
the company of the sayd shipp Christopher aged 21 yeares of there
abouts a witness sworne before the Right Worshipfull John Godolphin
Doctor of Lawe one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty, and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the sayd Interrogatories he saith he knew well the interrate shipp the Christopher att her last
being att Saint Remo a port or place neer to Genoa and the sayd Dan Bradley
was then Master of her And this deponent one of the foremastmen of her
Company, and she was bound for this Port of London, and the interrate Hugh
Salisbury one Mr Belbaine, and one mr Bronc[?k]art who this deponent knoweth
by sight there were by generall repute Owners and propietors of the sayd
shipp and of her tackle and furniture. And she departed from Saint Remo
aforesayd in december 1655 last past upon the sayd designed voyage, but was
in her course mett with and taken by an Enemy shipp being a Man of
Warr formerly belonging to Brest

called the ffrancis Capt Hayes Commander on or about the 15th of January 1656 last past and about 10 or 12 leagues South-Southwest of Scilly. John Clements [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

and was with her lading carryed
to Sha[?h]une in Biscay in the Kingdome of Spaine and there made prize
by means thereof the said Hugh Salisbury and company (who are esteemed
rightfull Owners of her) have utterly lost their said shipp Christopher
and whatsoever belonged to her. The premisse he deposeth for that he was
present on board the Christopher and saw her surprized as aforesayde. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

John Clements [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Examined with his precontest in both causes before J Godolphin