HCA 13/71 f.146v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 146 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 19/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130460.JPG | |
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Karen Gunnell | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/19 | |
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Edited on 15/11/2012 and on 22/04/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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further that two barrells of barrells of caske is ordinarily worth 8 s at the common
price, and 12 d per tonne is a usuall and ordinary rate to be given and paid
for carrying here from Maudlins lane neare b[?e]ttle bridge and thereabouts
aboard shipps at Blackwall. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Upon the rest not examined by the direction of the producent
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
ffrancis Hinde [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Mitchell against the harry of London}
and against Mathew heaman}
Clement Suckley}
The foresayd William Metcalfe upon
To the first item he saith he cometh to testifie the truth in this cause
being soe required by the producent Mitchell and saith the sayd Mitchell
the producent must of necessitie know that this deponent could testifie in
this cause for he left all his writings at Aleppo in the custodie of
this deponent amongst which was one of the three originall bills of ladeing
signed for the silke in Controversie and saith hee is noe way concerned
in the bayle and faugott of silke Interrogate nor sawe any of the parcells
of silke Interrogate laden aboard the harry nor was any lader of
them nor was any of them consigned to him this rendent./
To the 2 Interrogatorie he saith hee was not present at the signing of the bills of
ladeing Interrogate nor knoweth whether the goods were on board when the
bills were signed And saith that it is a thing frequent at Aleppo for the
merchants there for the ease of the factor Marine or Consull who takes care
of ladeing all English mens goods at Scanderoone to fill up bills at Aleppo
and send them to him to Scanderoone to get them signed And having diligently
observed the bill of ladeing in his foregoeing deposition mentioned he beleeveth
the same is filled up with the hand writing of the sayd Gabriell Roberts the sayd
henry Mitchells Assistant and beleeveth the same was soe filled up by him at
Aleppo it being his constant place of residence, and thense sent downe to Scanderoone
to be firmed by the sayd heamans, and hath not been altered in the
markes or contents thereof or parties names to whome the goods were consigned, as hee
verily beleeveth, for that hee this depondent well remembreth that amongst the sayd
deceased henry Mitchell his papers at Aleppo he found another bill XXX for the sayd
bayle and faugott of silke agreeing in all things with this the sayd bill of ladeing [?which GUTTER]
for that the deponent intended to bring home with him for England ˹hee˺ did for the better
Securitie least it might (as in deede it did) miscarrie by the way, cause the same
before his departure from Aleppo to be Registered there in the English Consulls Ca[?vallXX GUTTER]
or office And further he cannot answer./
To the 3 hee saith he verily beleeveth and is fully perswaded in his cons[?cience GUTTER]
(for that he found amongst the sayd Mitchells papers the sayd bill of ladeing as
also for that hee findeth the factorie And Accompt Current mentioned in his
forgoeing deposition to agree in every particular) that the bayle of silke
Interrogate was really laden and delivered on board
the sayd shipp harry togeather with the ffaugott aforesayd and further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere
Repeated before doctor Godolphin the
tenth of May 1656/