HCA 13/71 f.115r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.115r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day Examined upon the sayd Allegation


Cornelius Peterson of Edam in holland Mariner Carpenter of the sayd shipp
Fortune aged twenty four yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the .1 .2. 3 .and 4th articles of the sayd Allegation, he saith he is Carpenter of the sayd shipp the
Fortune and being on board her att the tyme of the seizure in question, knoweth that the
sayd shipp and her lading being wines were upon a Sunday about seaven weekes agoe
taken and seized by the Dartmouth frigot. And further he saith that the master and Company
of the ffortune did not make and opposition against the sayd frigot, nor did ever fly or
offer to fly or escape from the same, but willingly and without force permitted their
shipp to be visited and seized by the Company of the Frigott who came on board her.
And also saith that the sayd Master and Company of the Fortune upon the first warning peice
struck their main top sayle, and their foresayle upon a second warning peice, and
were not negligent or faulty in that respect, but kept the same so struck and lowered
till the seizure in question. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the sayd 1 and 2. Interrogatories This Rendent saith That the sayd ffrigot wearing the English
flagg and Colours mett the Fortune sayling her direct Course for the downes and
that there happened not any chase att all before the sayd seizure, And that the sayd
frigott came along neere to the shoare, and seized the Fortune neere the shoare,
that is about a miles distance from land or not much more. And otherwise hee
cannot depose, saving that att the tyme the sayd warning peices were shott as
aforesayd the sayd frigot was about an usuall shotts distance from the Fortune.

Repeated with his three precontests before doctor Godolphin.

cornelis pietersen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The eleventh day of March 1655.

Hans Rauce of Quinsborough and Company}
Owners of the shipp the hope of}
Quinsborough against Beniamin and John}
harrison and William Harrington}
ffrancklyn: Suckley}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd
Hans Rauce and Companye

Jan Pieterson of Lubeck Mariner and Carpenter of the
sayd shipp the Hope aged thirty yeares or therea=
bouts, a witnes sworne and examined saith as followeth

To the first Artićle of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that about four or
five weekes before Michaelmas last .1655. (the tyme hee otherwise remembreth
not there were laden in the sayd shipp Hope (Martin Barnhide Master) att the
Port of Quinsborough, bound for this Port of London, thirty bundles of hempe
marked as in the margent, twenty Spruce deales. more, two bundles of


hempe, one hundred of wainscott, one hundred of pipe boards, five hundred
and an halfe of Clapboard, twelve hundred and an halfe of [?keeving]
staves, eighty [?keeve] pipe staves, and three hundred an halfe of oares
all to be transported in the sayd shipp from Quinsborough to London and hence
to be delivered to the respective persons to whom the same were consigned
who were to pay the freight agreed on for the sayd Transport. All which
he knoweth to be true for that he sawe the sayd goods laden, and was att the tyme
of lading told they were for merchants of London in whose imployment the sayd shipp
was freighted, and being Carpenter of the sayd shipp came in her to this Port.
And further (referring himselfe to the bills of lading allegate touching the
merchants and freight) he cannot depose.

To the second article he saith he ćannot depose.

To the third article hee saith that the sayd goods being so laden the Master and Company
of the sayd shipp about three weekes before Michaelmas last (the tyme hee