HCA 13/70 f.753r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.753r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 30th day of November 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Allegation:-/


Joachim Beene of hamborough Mariner
aged 35. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet:-

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That hee this deponent
being a Native of hamborough, and having there had his education and constant
place of habitation, and having for 18 yeares last past or thereabouts been employed in and
constantly frequenting Navigation, hee well knoweth and by long observation and experience
can and doeth declare That the manner fashion and composure of hamborough
shipps hath ten yeares agoe and for many yeares before and some yeares since been
observed and knowne by Merchants Mariners Shipwrights and others to be remarkably
different from the fashion and composure of holland shipps, the former being of a
more plaine and unpolished fashipn and made built with full timber, and the latter of
a light and neat composure, so that by men experienced in the fashion of shipps, they may
very easily be discerned and distinguished and the one from the other. And further
hee cannot depose./

To the second and 3d articles hee saith and deposeth, That for the reasons precedent and subsequent
hee very well knoweth, That the arlate shipp the Saint George (whereof the arlate John Marten
dorpe was Master) was and is of the fashion and compsosure of shipps usuall at
hamborough about 10. or 12. yeares agoe, and for some yeares precedent and subsequent
And saith, That the said shipp the Saint George was in the yeare 1642. last
past originally built from the stocks at hamborough by one Joachim Moller a
Citizen of hamborough and a Master shipwright there, by the order and
especiall direction of the said John Marten dorpe, who in this deponents sight and
presence did frequently attend the building of the same for and on the behalfe of
himselfe and his then fellow Owners, videlicet Abraham de Bois Daniel Sloyer
dittelof Classoft Mathys hendricx and others all Burghers and subjects of
the free state of hamborough, and this deponent saith hee saw the said shipp the Saint
George at such time as shee was compleated at hamborough aforesaid, and was
there originally launched from the stocks in the yeare aforesaid, And hath never heard, neither
doeth hee in Conscience beleeve, That the said shipp did ever belong to the
Port of Amsterdam, or any other port or place in holland, or to any place person or persons in obedience to the States
of the United Netherlands, neither hath hee this deponentever heard that the said
shipp Saint George since her primitive building as aforesaid hath at any time been
reputed to belong to any other place then hamborough aforesaid. And further
to theise articles hee cannot depose./

To the 4th hee saith
this examinate was at
Cadiz in Spaine in the yeare 1652. arlate, and did there severall times see and
observe the arlate shipp the Saint George then rideing in the road of Cadiz, this
