HCA 13/70 f.739v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.739v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Genoa, and hee this deponent being at Cadiz when shee soe arived, well
knoweth that the said shipp the Salvador was there alsoe and
had bin there some certaine dayes or weekes before her comming, but the
precise time hee knoweth not, and saith that the Mercury departed thence
a monethes space or thereabouts before the Salvador departed thence,
which hee knoweth because hee this deponent came thence in the company
of the Salvador. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the seaventh hee saith that hee well knoweth that for a yeeres
space or therabouts, next before the seizure of the said shipp the
Salvador by the shipps of this Commonwealth which was in the
moneth of November 1652, the said shipp was continually
trading and lying on the coast of Spaine without and within the
Straights, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent was then on
the said coasts and seeing the said shipp there, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that hee is a hamburger by birth and
hath dwelt there all his time, and otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee is a mariner and hath bin at
Amsterdam twice within theise seaven yeares namely first in the yeare
1648 or 1649, and remained there about foure or five monethes, and the
second time was in the yeare 1651 and then his shipp staid there about
eleaven monethes from december 1650, and in the yeare 1651 hee
leaving his shipp at Amsterdam went to hambourgh to reckon with
his owners and staid at hamborough about 9 monethes, and then
retourned to Amsterdam to his shipp, at Amsterdam
where hee sawe the Salvador lying in the moneth of October 1651
And otherwise saith hee remembreth not, and therefore cannot

To the third and fourth hee cannot depose for hee was not at
hamburgh when the Salvador was built.

To the fifth hee saith hee arived from Amsterdam at Cadiz
with his said shipp the Saint George in the moneth of
January 1651 (according to the English stile) and went thence in
the moneth of Aprill next following with ammunition for
the kinge of Spaines Armada to Majorca, and then retourned
to Cadiz in July next following at which time hee departed thence
to come for Ostend in which passage shee was seized. And saith
such his comming thence was on the 12th or fifteenth of the said moneth or
thereabouts and otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 6 hee cannot depose.

To the 7 hee saith hee was master of the Saint George when shee was seized
and had soe bin about ten yeares before, and had about 30 persons of
his company, the names of all which hee knew well having them in his
booke, and otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 8th hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Clarke./:-

Jan Martendorp [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]