HCA 13/70 f.736r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.736r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


was never but once at Amsterdam and that was in or about the moneth of
June 1653, and there hee staed about eight dates space and not longer
and never sawe the said shipp the Salvador there, and otherwise hee
referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the third hee saith that one John henderson was master shipwright
in the building the said shipp the Salvador, and saith the said henderson
as hee taketh is a hollander borne, but this deponent hath knowne
him to be living in hamborough thise foureteene or fifteene yeares
where hee is a Burgher, and an Inhabitant and hath bin there maried
about tenn yeares or upwards, and there hath kept his wife and
family for the said space. And saith hee this rendent did not
see any money paid for or towards the buiding of the said shipp.

To the fourth hee saith that many of the servants and workmen
imployed under the said John henderson in the said building were hollanders
but hee doth not knowe the names of them or of any of them, And
otherwise hee saith hee cannot depose; saving as aforesaid./

To the fifth hee saith hee came from the Contado in Portugall to
Cadiz in August 1652 namely in or about the beginning of the said
moneth of August and staid there only two or three weekes and returned
to the Contado, and came againe from the Contado to Cadiz in or
about the middle of September of the said yeare, and departed thence
in or about the beginning of October of the said moneth, and otherwise
hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the 6th Interrogatorie being wholly read and made knowne unto him
hee saith hee cannot answer thereto, only hee saith hee holdeth it
as lawfull for sailemakers as for other men to be owners or paart owners
of shipps.

To the 7th hee saith hee neither was in nor any wayes belonged to any
of the shipps interrogated when they or any of them were seized ny the
shipps of this Commonwealth, And otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the eighth Interrogatorie hee saith hee beleeveth the said
shipp the Salvador hath never bin at hamborough since her first
proceeding thence after her said building; and that shee hath since
her said building made severall voyages betwixt Amsterdama and
Cadiz, And otherwise hee cannot depose for hee never sawe her
at Amsterdam.



The answer of the foresaid hance Ramke to tthe
Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was borne and hath dwelt all his time at
hamborowe, and that hee hath served in the said shipp as aforesaid and is
nowe one of her common men, And otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee is a Sailer by art and profession, and was
never but once at Amsterdam which was the said voyage wherein this
deponent formerly belonged to the said shipp, and then hee was there
about tenn weekes before his departure aforesaid from the said shipp