HCA 13/70 f.725v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.725v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 6th day of december 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Allegation:-/


Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner
aged 43 yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet/

To the 1. 2. and 3. articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That this deponent being by profession a Mariner and haveing used and
been constantly employed in Navigation for 20. yeares and upwards
and being a hamburgher borne and bredd and having from his infancie
had his constant and continuall relation, and fixed
residence to and in the said Citie as a Burgher and Subject thereof
hee well knoweth that the mould fashion and Composure of shipps
built in that place about 12. yeares last and before and some stime since was
remarkeably different from the fashion and fabrique then and
now practised and used in the United Netherlands, and so much
hee beleeveth might and may be easily perceived and distinguished
by experienced marchants shiprights and Mariners the fashion
of the said hamburg and other parts of the Eastland building of
shipps being more strong rude unpolished and unhandsome
then that of the said Netherlands, and so commonly observed to have
been in and about that time. And particularly as to the shipp the
Saint George allate, (John Martenson dorp Master) this deponent saith
that the said shipp is of the manner forme and fashion then
usuall at hamburgh, which hee well knoweth, for that hee this
deponent being as aforesaid a Mariner and Burgher of hamburgh
was and remained at hamburgh, which hee well knoweth, for that hee this
deponent being as aforesaid a Mariner and Burgher of hamburgh
was and remained at hamburgh in the yeare 1642. and then
and there saw and observed that the keele of the said shipp
was there originally lade, and saw her perfected and launched and
her masts and standing rigging sett up and fitted thereunto,
And saith That this deponent in the yeare 1643 next ensueing
saw the said shipp at Saint Lucars in Spaine under the command and Conduct of the
allate John Martens dorp at and who from that time till the seizure
of the said shipp by some shipps in the service of this
Commonwealth, was continually Commander of her of this deponents
knowledge, who from the yeare 1643. predeposed till the said seizure
hath many times seene and observed the said shipp the Saint George trading
upon the Coast and in the Ports of Spaine and other places and that
under the Command of the said John Martens dorp, And saith
That this deponent for and during all the time predeposed hath