HCA 13/70 f.717v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.717v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories in the second place. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the Interrogatories this deponent saith that to the best of his
knowledge and remembrance he never did att any tyme
before his examination meet and speake with the sayd John
Martindorp Captaine of the Saint George, and Christian Cloppen
burgh Captaine of the Salvador aforesayd or eyther of them
neere Aldgate ffanchurch street or otherwhere in this Citty.
And further positively saith that he never had any discourse
with them or eyther of them to the effect interrate. videlicet he
never did demannd of them or either of them any money
or reward, nor eber told them or eyther of them that if they would
give him this deponent money or gratify him, that then he
would be an Instrument to doe them good, or otherwise would
sweare against them and their shipps Salvador and Saint George
and the lading of the same. nor had this deponent ever any
discourse with them or eyther of them to or tending to any
such effect. And further and otherwise he cannot depose.

Repeated before}
Doctor Godolphin}.



The eighth day of November .1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the}
Sampson Otto George Master, and the}
sylver and goods in the same. Bud.}
Smith. ffrancklin Suckly.}

Examined upon an allegation given
in by Mr Budd the 20th day of
September .1653.

Stephen Puckle of Eastsmithfeild neere
London merchant aged fifty nine yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth by vertue
of his Oath as followeth videlicet.

To the 1. 2. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. and 16th articles
of the sayd allegation This deponent saith he cannot depose.

To the seaventeenth Article of the sayd allegation, This deponent
saith that for the space of about twenty yeares next before the
late warrs betwixt this Commonwealth and the United Provinces
he did live, and reside with his family att Rotterdam in
holland, and by that meanes came to be well acquainted
with the dutch tongue