HCA 13/70 f.710v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.710v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


saith the said shipps tooke in severall and greate quantities of plate and money
and for a good space they were all accompted to be bound for Amsterdam
whether of his knowledge the Mercurius was bound, but afterwards there
comming newes of warrs betwixt England and holland, they the said masters
gave out that they were all bound for Ostend or dunquirke and as hee
heard got passes at Cales to that purpose, and of his knowledge the said shipp the
Mercurius got a passe for fflanders, notwithstanding that shee
was (to the time of the said newes of the said warrs) intended for Amsterdam,
and of the premisses hee this deponent tooke more notice, lying there
aboute foure monethes with the said shipp the Mercurius after such her
comming in thither. And saith there was a common voice and report
at Cadiz aforesaid that the said shipps with their lading of silver and
other goods were all bound for Amsterdam. And otherwise hee cannot
depose, saving what followeth.

To the 12th and 13th articles hee saith and deposeth that the master of the
said shipp the Prophet Elias died at Cadiz the time aforesaid, and shee
thereupon not departing thence on her intended voyage, her silver and
other goods were taken out and distributed and put into the said other shipps
the Sampson, the Salvador, the Saint George and the Mercury to be therein
transported for Amsterdam, which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid
and being present and seeing her goods soe unladen and laded into the
said other shipps. And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot depose.

To the 15th and 16th articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that the said shipp the Mercurius in or about the moneth of September
1652 (and about three dayes before the Sampson, the Salvador and the Saint
George aforesaid came from Cadiz) departed thence, and afterwards, (namely
about a moneth after) met at sea with the said three shipps, which had as it seems
not steered the same course with the Mercury, and therefore it was soe
longe before they met at sea, and being soe met
sailed together,
and having sailed together about two dayes
and nights space, they were parted by fowle weather, and soe the said
shipp the Mercury having lost the company of the said shipps the
Sampson, the Salvador and the Saint George plied her course for Amsterdam
and there safely arrived, and dischardged all her silver and other lading
and delivered all her silver there to Mathew ffransen a sailemaker
there dwelling; And saith that about three monethes after such arivall
of the Mercury at Amsterdam, hee met there with some of the
company of the shipp nammed the Golden Sunn arlate or having the Golden Sunn
on her sterne, and had speech with them and heard them say and
acknowledge that they came from Cadiz with silver and other goods bound for Amsterdam and
that in their course they were chased into Ostend, and being there they
there delivered the silver (as they said) which they brought from
Cadiz. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 17th hee saith that hee this deponent was at Amsterdam when
the newes there arived (somewhat before Christmas last) of the seizure
of the said three shipps the Sampson, the Salvador and the Saint George with
the silver and other goods in them brought from Cadiz; and saith that
upon the said newes there was much sorrowing and generall lamentations
at Amsterdam for and by reason of the said seizure, and it was then and
there generally and commonly said that the said silver or a great
part thereof was belonging to them of Amsterdam and other the subiects
of the States of the United Netherlands, and that they would have a very
greate losse and dammadge by the said seizure, and otherwise hee cannot

To the nineteenth hee saith hee cannot depose, not having as hee saith had
any speech with the mariners of the said three shipps or [?XXX] any of themn.

Sam Delaplace

Jurian M Matison [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Vida [?XXXX] ad Interria [?XXX]'