HCA 13/70 f.701r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.701r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


That hee hath knowne the arlate Gregory Carey since about
ffebruary 1654 during which tyme untill about three weekes last past the
sayd Gregory Carey was Commonly reputed too bee Master and Comander
of the arlate Shipp the Sisters And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the second article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee well knoweth that
the arlate Richard hamond was lawfull Owner and Proprietor of
the two last parcells of beefe expressed in the schedule mentioned in the
third article of this livell videlicet the fower hundred and three quarters of beefe
and three hundred and fower pounds of beefe in the sayd schedule specified
this hee knoweth for that hee was servant to the sayd Richard hamond when
hee was in possession of them and when hee sold the same to the foresayd
Gregory Carey for the use of the Shipp the Sisters aforesayd And hee
saith hee verily beleevth the sayd Richard hamond was alsoe lawfull
Owner and proprietor of the other tenn draughts or parcells of beefe
in the sayd schedule specified for that hee hath heard the sayd Gregorie
Carey confesse and acknowledge (within these twelve moneths last past) pon demande made by the sayd hamond of moneys due to the sayd hamond by him the sayd Gregory for beefe formerly
by him receaved for the use of his sayd shipp the Sisters
that hee had bought and receaved of the sayd Richard hamond the sayd
other tenn parcells of beefe in the sayd schedule specified for the use and provision of his sayd shipp the Sisters at the rates
therein alsoe specified, and that hee ought him for them forty sixe
pounds sixe shillings nyne pence or thereabouts, but sayd hee could not pay
it him at the present but would pay him for the same soe soone as hee could or
to that effect And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 3: 4th and 5th articles of the sayd libell hee saith that the arlate
Richard hamond did by the order and appointment of the arlate Gregorie
Carey and within the tyme arlate cause to be delivered on board the boate of the shipp the
isters aforesayd, and to the Company thereof for the use and
provision of the sayd shipp and her company the two severall
parcells of beefe the one of fower hundred and three quarters (which was
delivered all at one tyme videlicet on the 28th day of March 1655) and the
other of three hundred and fower pounds (which was delivered in severall
smale paarcells in the moneths of August September and October 1655)
which beefe was sold by the sayd hamod to the sayd Carey at the respective rates in the sayd schedule specified
for the use and provision of his sayd shipp, and at those raates goods of
that sorte was usually sold about London at the tyme of the sale and
delivery thereof, the premisses hee deposeth being servant to the sayd
Hammond when the sayd two last parcells of beefe schedulate were sold and
delivered and helpeing to weigh and deliver the same and seeing
the same prizes schedulated entered into the sayd hammonds
debt booke for the same, and hearing the sayd Carey acknowledge that
hee was tp pay those prizes for the same And further saving his foregoeing
deposition hee cannot to these articles depose./