HCA 13/70 f.696v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.696v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th shee saith shee beleeveth the said Colt is damnified by
the non payment of the sayd money, and wanting the same to make
use of in his trade but to what value shee knoweth not And further
shee cannot depose/

To the last shee saith her foregoeing deposition is true./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the sayd libell

Rp. EA. 9.

Edward Hooke of Wapping in the parish of Whitechappell
Shipp Carpenter aged 25 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first second and third articles hee saith that in the moneths of
July, August and September 1653 arlate the arlate Keech was
Commonly reputed to bee Master and Commander of the aarlate shipp
the Minories and of this deponents sight (who then wrought on board
the sayd shipp as a Shipp Carpenter) had and exercised the care and government of
her as Master of her And saith that within the sayd Moneths
one Captaine ffernes who was then reputed to be husband of, and one
of the part Owners of the sayd shipp, did buye of the arlate Ambrose
denison tymber and planks and other materialls as okam and pitch for
the use of the sayd shipp and for the fitting her to proceede on her
then intended voyage amounting to the value of tenn pounds two
shillings nyne pence sterling and undertooke for himselfe and the other owners of the sayd shipp to pay for the sayd goods delivered these thing shee the better knoweth for that
hee did in the moneths aforesayd by the Command of the sayd ffernes carrie
and deliver the sayd plankes tymber and other materialls on board the
sayd shipp to the sayd shipps Company and in the sayd tyme did alsoe
worke as a Carpenter on board her and helpe to imploye and make use
of the same for the repayreing amending and fitting of the sayd shipp
for the sayd voyage and heard the sayd ffernes soe promise to pay for the sayd goods soe delivered the summe predeposed and this deponent well knoweth that the sayd shipp could not
have proceeded on her intended voyage if the materialls predeposed
of had not bin delivered and imployed (as they were) in the repayreing and
amending of her And hee this deponent knoweth that the like quantitie
of the like goods as was soe delivered, were worth, and were ususally sold for
the value predepposed, And further to these articles hee cannot depose

To the 4th and 5th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of
this Court and further to this article hee cannot depose, saving hee saith