HCA 13/70 f.692r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 692 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/16 |
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on behalfe of the sayd Merrihurst in the moneth of September 1653 and about the 17th day thereof
and the same being made did helpe to carrie them aboard the
sayd shipp, and there delivered them aboard the sayd shipp to the company
thereof, to be imployed to the use of the sayd shipp, who receaved the same
for the ise thereof And saith the Roapes and cordage soe delivered were well
worth the price before specified and better at the tyme of their sayd
deliverie, And saith the sayd vessell stayed the makeing of the
sayd Roapes and Cords, and could not goe her intended voyage without them
And further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 4th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court
and further cannot depose./
To the 5th hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated in Court before both Judges
the + marke of
Richard henslowe [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The same day/
Examined upon the sayd libell
Rp. 2
Phillipus Gibbs of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex Roapemaker aged 28 yeares or
thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth
To the first article hee saith the arlate Keech in the yeare 1653 arlate
and moneths therein concurring was Commonly accompted to be the Master
of the arlate shipp the Minories And further to this aarticle hee cannot
To the second and third articles of the sayd libell hee saith that hee well
knoweth the sayd shipp the Minories in the moneth of September 1653
did stand neede of certaine Cordage and warpes and roapes without which
shee could not prosecute her intended voyage And saith hee well
knoweth that in the sayd Moneth of September 1653 one ffernes
did as husband of the sayd shipp Minories and in the behalfe of
the arlate Keech and for the use of the sayd shipp, bespeake of the
sayd John Merrihurst fower warpes of fower Inches a peece
about, and a smale cable of about seaven inches about and of about
one hundred and odd fathoms in length and saith that the same being
made they were carried aboard the sayd shipp and there delivered to
and left with the Company thereof for the sayd shipps use who receaved
the same accordingly And hee saith the sayd fower warpes and