HCA 13/70 f.675v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 675 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/02 |
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all which hee knoweth to be true because hee this deponent was master of the
said shipp and hath soe bin for soe long time as aforesaid, and for theise [?foure GUTTER]
yeares last hath from time to time made account to the said owners for the said
shipps freight and earnings, and they as owners have from time to time fitted
and set her out. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that in or about the moneth
of August last past, there were at Quinsborough aforesaid laden aboard
the said shipp by Jospeh [?Wimt] and daniell Collins for the accompt of the arlate harrison
harrington and other English merchants the severall and respective hemp
pipe staves, oares, clapboards and caske staves (mentioned in the foure
schedules or bills of lading arlate nowe showne unto him to be transported in the said shipp to
this port of London and here to be delivered according to the said bills,
whicjh bills hee saith were and are true and reall and subscribed by this
deponent Master of the said shipp, before her departure from Quinsborough,
The premisses touching the said lading hee well knoweth because hee
was master as aforesaid and privie to the same. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.
To the third hee saith that the said shipp the hope in her course the
said voyage for London coming off harwich, was putting in thither to
looke for Convoy; and met with the hare pinck arlate of which
Captaine [?Crannawell] was commannder being a man of warr of
this Commonwealth, and the said Captaine haling this deponent and
understanding by him that hee was going to looke for Convoy, told him
that hee was a Convoy, and was going to Convoy shipps for London
and offered to Convoy the hope alsoe
whereunto this deponent condescended, and soe they shortly set saile
together for London, in company of a ketch of harwich and a
dutch [?huoy] on or about the 14th of december last, And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fourth hee saith that the same day after such their setting saile
from harwich being in their course for london, they by casualtie ran upon a sand in
the sea called the Middle Grounds, where the hare pinck, the Hope
and the hoy sate fast, and the hare Pinck soone stved in peeces
and severall of her company getting out into her boate came and
assaulted this deponent and some of his company in their boate wherein
they were feeling and searching to get off their shipp, and endeavoured
to take their boate from them by force, and foure of them got into
the Hopes boate, and the rest being put off they rowed towards their
said Pinke, and this deponent going into his shipp and praying those foure that were got
into her boate to come over into the shipp and help to pumpe her they answered
noe, come you into the boate and let us goe ashore for else those other
of our fellowes of the hare Pinck will retourne with [?armes] [?or]
more strength and take the bpate away, whereupon this deponent
and all his company went ito the boate and rowed ashore meaning there