HCA 13/70 f.670v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.670v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the nineth hee saith that the said shipp the voyage in question was (and is)
of the burthen of 156 tonnes and a halfe, according to the measure
taken of her, and could have carried 151 tonnes and a halfe of wine
from ffiall to New England the said voyage (over and besides her
tackle, furniture apparrell and provisions and five tonnes for the
said master) in case the said Andrewes his factors would have laden
the same, and that shee went dead freighted at least 26 tonnes and
a halfe of the said Andrewes his tonnage from ffiall to New England,
and hee referreth himselfe to the Charter partie aforesaid.

To the eleaventh hee saith that the primage due and to be paid
by the said Andrewes the said voyage for his goods carried in the said
shipp, did and doth extend and amount unto the summe of
eight pounds and fourteene shillings, and saith the said
master of the said shipp the said voyage laid out much money for
port charges, And otherwise referring himselfe to the said
Charterpartie hee cannot depose.

Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent.

To the Interogatorries. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh at the instance of Roger
Young the master to testifie the truth in this cause, and saith his
this rendents wages are all paid him for the said voyage and have soe bin about
foure monethes since or thereabouts, and saith that hee hath noe
relation to the producents or either of them, and otherwise hee
referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the second hee beleeveth the said producents let the said shipp
for as many tonnes as they esteemed her to bee, And otherwise
(saving hee referreth himselfe to the Charter partie) hee cannot depose
saving as aforesaid.

To the third hee saith that there was such a storme while the said
shipp was att ffyall, that another shipp there riding was faine
to cutt her masts by the board; howbeit the Edward rode it
out in safetie without being in any danger of being cast away
And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the fourth hee saith there were a couple of Carpenters (namely
his owne and another) at worke upon the said shipp at New England
to search and sea that all was well, wherein and in receiving
of her with her guns and caskes of water on her deck, there was
about a weekes time spent, and was donne while shee was in
delivering. And otherwise negatively.

To the fifth hee saith tha there was some leakage in the said wines
at New England through the Rottenesse and defect of the casks wherein
the same was laden. And otherwise hee cannot answer.

Will: Glanvill [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]