HCA 13/70 f.666v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.666v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the third and fourth articles he deposeth and saith that
the arlate shipp the George and Thomas with her tackle
apparrell and furniture and Gunns, could not be lesse
worth then 800 li in his iudgement, and that (as he
beleiveth) 300 li will not make good what the Mariners
lost ingoods money and clothes, And that over and
above the said losse of their shipp unto the said Owners
they were damaged (as he beleiveth) by the losse of their
voyage and other incident damages 500 li at least, and
that besides the Mariners losse of their money, goods and
clothes by the spoyle of the voyage they were damaged
above 100 li, And further he cannot

To the last he saith his former deposition is true./


Repeated with 2 former
wittnesses Before Doctor Godolphin./


The 14th of January 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of Thomas Bensen and others}
for the Hope of Connincksbergh and goods}

Examined upon an allegation given in on
the behalfe of the said claimers
the 9th of this instant.



William Cock of Hull one of the Company
of the said shipp the Hope aged 20 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith that the producents Thomas Benson
John Cotton, Thomas Tailor and Andrew Tailor (all whom hee well
knoweth) English men, have bin the time arlate and are owners of the
said shipp the Hope and of her tackle and furniture, and for such and
subiects of this Commonwealth commonly accompted, which hee knoweth
being one of her company, and knowing that this last summer shee being at
Hull and there staid at the instance of the masters of the Trinity House
pretending her to belong to Lubeck, the said producnets came and cleared her