HCA 13/70 f.665v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.665v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


22th of December 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

A busines of examination of wittnesse}
on the behalfe of Edward ffranke, Charles}
Butler and Company Owners of the}
shipp the George and Thomas and}
of her tackle apparrell and furniture}
and of her [?XXXXs] and lading seized by the}
King of ffrance or his subiects and more}
particularly by Jaquis [?Lasses] and frenchmen}
and his Company. Clements}


Thomas Ratcliffe of the
parish of Saint Btolph without
Allgate London late Master of
the sayd shipp the George
and Thomas, aged 46 yeares, a
wittnes produced and sworne and being
examined deposeth as followeth.

To the first, second, third and fourth articles of the allegation
given in and admitted on the behalfe of the sayd Edward ffranke
CharlesButler and Company he deposeth and saith That he
the deponent was Master of the arlate shipp the George and
Thomas in her voyage from this Port of London, being first
bound to Jersey, and there to take in her lading, and there to receive
orders, and that by his being Master of her in the voyage arlate
he well knoweth that the arlate Edward ffranke Chaarles
Butler and Company were in the monthes arlate the true
and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the sayd shipp, for
that they did putt in and appointe him the deponent Master
of her for the sayd voyage, and that the sayd shipp was
in her course to Jersy on the third day of July 1655 sett upon
by a french man of warr
(wherof the arlate Jaques Lasses was Captaine) and by her
seized and taken, and both shipp, and this deponent and his
Company all carryed away by the sayd french man of warre
into haverdegrace in ffrance, where they putt him the deponent and all
his Company on shoare within a mile or two of haverdegrace
the frenchmen or company of the sayd man of
warre having first pillaged this deponent and all the Company
of their goods and clothes to about the value of three hundred
pounds sterling, And that the producents were and are
altogether dispoyled and robbd of their said shipp, which (as he well
knoweth by the moneys he saw the said producents pay for
the said shipp, her tackle and furniture and by their accompts)
did cost them about 900 li at least, And that by the

900 li [LH MARGIN]

said french man of warre his seizing the said shipp the
George and Thomas the Owners of her have sustayned great
damage, as alsoe he the deponent and the Company have done
besides the losse of the shipp to the Owners and the losse of
clothes, moneys and goods unto this deponent and Company
The premisses by him predeposed hee well knoweth being Master
of her when she went from this Port of London, in the
voyage arlate, and aboard when she was seized and takem
by the said fremnchman of warre, and pillaged and
plundred of all he had by them, And further he cannot

To the last he saith his former deposition is true.

Thomas Ratcliffe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]