HCA 13/70 f.663v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.663v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th hee saith hee well knoweth (being on board and of the Company
of the sayd shipp) that the arlate ffordam and his Mariners had for
their owne proper Accompts on board the sayd shipp Sarah at her seizure
goods worth one hundred and three score pounds sterling at the least
which were all seized by the sayd Officers of the sayd Governor of
Dunquirke and the sayd ffordam and his Mariners wholly dispoiled and
deprived of them to their great losse and detriment and further to this article
hee cannot depose,/

To the 5th article hee saith that the sayd ffordam and his Mariners
besides the losse predeposed of did suffer damage to the value of
one hundred and fifty pounds sterling in losse of their wages and in their charges
coming home and losse of imployment untill their arrivall at home
All which was occasioned by the seizure aforesayd And further
hee cannot to this article depose./

To the 6th and 7th hee saith that hee beleevth that the arlate ffordam and
others the owners of the Sarah did expend in victualing and
setting out the sayd shipp the voyage wherein shee was soe seized as
aforesayd fifty pounds sterling at the least Soe that in this deponents
Judgment nad estimate the sayd ffordam and other the Owners of the
sayd shipp Sarah, and the Mariners of her, have all manner of
waies bin damnified to the value of seaven hundred and tenn pounds
sterling all which happened by meanes of the seizure aforesayd
And further to these articles hee cannot depose./

Repeated before both Judges./

Richard nash [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 2d of december 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

John Robinson ffisherman against the Pinke called the Wildeman}
whereof Cornelius Peters was Master and against Jeremie}
and Jasper Van Cullen comming in for their interest}

Examined upon a libell in the behalfe of
the sayd John Robinson./

Rp EA jus

William Miller of Greenwich in the County of Kent
ffisherman aged 42 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first and second articles of the sayd libell hee saith he well
knoweth the arlate John Robison (sic) and that hee the sayd Robison in the
moneth of November last was lawfull Owner of two Wilchens of the eighteene
Weeles and of the two thousand five hundred lamprells arlate And well knoweth
that the sayd John Robison did on or about the 4th of the sayd moneth of
November laye the sayd two Wilchens eighteene weeles and 25000 lamprells