HCA 13/70 f.655v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.655v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the tenth hee saith hee hath seene letters from the said Rumbida
acknowledging the receipt at Paris within the said time
the summe and number of crownes arlate upon the producents credit
making sterling as is arlate, and in the same letters the said Rumbida
promised repaymentto the said producent of the same. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the eleaventh hee saith that hee findeth by the said bookes and
entries that there was paid unto the said Marcus de la Rumbida
his brother by or from the said producent the summe arlate,
within the said time, and the said Marcus de la Rumbida (as
by his letters which this deponent hath seene appeareth) hath [?appXXXX]
thereof and proving said repayment to the producent. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the twelveth hee saith that (as this deponent hath found and
perceived aswell by the said bookes and entries of the said producent
as by the letters of the said Rumbida) the said Antonio ffernandez
Carvajall delivered and sent unto the said Marcus de la Rumbida
and by his order and direction one [?screene] and two beaver hatts
worth (as they are charged in the accompt) 29 li 15 s, and the said Rumbida
promised payment for the same. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the thirteenth hee aith and deposeth that in the yeere 1654 the
said Antonio ffernandez Caravajall made up an accompt with the said
de la Rumbida here in London for the linnens arlate sent from Roane
into Spaine within the time arlate amounting to three thousand pounds sterling
as in and by the said accompt (which this deponent hath seene) appeareth
And saith that upon the making up pf the said accompt the said
Rumbida became debiter (for the ballance thereof) to the said fernandez
in the summe of 1235 li sterling, which summe the said Marcus de la
Rumbida obliged himselfe to pay unto the said fernandez with
interest and charges, (as by his originall obligation attested by severall
witnesses,) this deponent hath seene. And for the reasons aforesaid
this deponent verily beleeveth that the said Marcus de la Rumbida
gave order to the said ffernandez for buying the said 3000 li worth
of linnens at Roane for the said Rumbidas accompt to be sent
for Spaine, and saith the same was bought and sent accordingly
as by the said papers and entries is to be seene. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the 14 hee saith that for severall yeares together about nine
or tenn yeares since, the said Antonio fernandez Carvajall in the
Parliament and otherwise in London prosecuted a large businesse
of the said Rumbida's touching certaine silver and goods brought from