HCA 13/70 f.650r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.650r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The seaventh of November 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of hendrick Matthias of}
Amsterdam for his goods in the hare in the}
ffeild, John kein Master. Budd. ffrancklin.}

Examined upon an allegation given
in on the behalfe of the said
Matthias the 18th of July 1655.

fra dt.

George Crooke Secretary of his Excellencie the Lord
Embassador of the States of the United Netherlands
aged 25 yeares or thereabouts, sworne and examined.

To the 8th article of the said allegation upon which alone hee is by direction of
the partie producent examined hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth the producent hendrick Matthias and hath soe donne for theise
five yeares last past or thereabouts, and saith hee the said hendrick hath
bin for all the said time and is a Burger,
freeman and Inhabitant of Amsterdam and a subiect of the Lords the
States of the United Netherlands and for such commonly accompted and
reputed, and maried there the daughter of one Mr Timmerman of
Amsterdam sugar baker, and dwelt with his wife and familie
when this deponent was last at Amsterdam (which was about two yeares
since) on the [?Streisers] gracht in Amsterdam, and for a free
Burgher and Inhabitant of Amsterdam and a subiect of the said Lords
the States hee the said hendrick Matthias was and is commonly
accompted and reputed: Besides this deponent hath seene an attestation
from the Magistrates of Amsterdam, testifying such burgershipp and
subiection of the said Matthias, who as this deponent hath often heard
hath dwelt in Amsterdam about tenn or twelve yeares last. And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that hee is of
acquaintance with the said hendrick, and thereby the better able
to depose the premisses, this deponent being a native of Amsterdam
and living longe there.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee lived about two yeares last in England
and before that a yeare in the Hague, and before that hee
travailed two yeares in ffrance, Italy and high Germany, and before that in
holland where hee was borne. And otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee the said hendrick Matthias is commonly reputed
a native of hamborowe, and otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing

To the third, fourth, 5. 6. and 7th hee cannot answer, not being in the voyage
nor knowing ought thereof

To the 8th hee hath not soe deposed.

To the 9th negatively.

To the 10th and 11th hee cannot depose.

To the 12th hee saith hee hath understood by letters that the goods claimed in this
cause by the said hendrick Matthias are assured at Amsterdam by one Mr
hasselaer, who is a dutchman and a subiect of the said Lords the States

To the 13th and 14th hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 15th hee hath not soe deposed





"[Item] 2; Np. SAA: 1695; Page: 1269; Date: 1651/05/31; Résumé: Contestation de Jean et Paulus Sweerts, marchands à Amsterdam, contre Paulus Timmerman et Jacques Thierry, marchands d'Amsterdam qui refusaient d'honorer une lettre de change (wisselbrief), datée le 19 mars 1651, valant 3500 florins de Jacob Sweers à Recife; scan paleo"[1]

"[Item} 7; No. SAA: 1114; Page: 160; Date: 1655/08/10; Résumé: Demade de Jean de Sweerts à Henrico Mathias de faire crédit à Susanna Pels, conjointe de François Sweerts, ex-Général Commis de la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales, qui a fait voyage de Recife et, suite à une erreur du Capitaine, a accosté à Cuba. A partir de là, elle s'est rendue à Santo Domingo ou elle a cherché un embarquement pour rentrer aux Pays-Bas. Andries Pels se porte garant pour une éventuelle dette de jean de Sweerts."[2]

"19. Op de Prinsengracht bij de Leliegracht, ten zuiden van het Huiszittenhuis, bevond zich een raffinaderij, die in 1643 voltimmerd was en in 1662 door GEORG TIMMERMAN, advocaat, PAUL TIMMERMAN, JOHANNA VAN ZELLER, weduwe PAULUS TIMMERMAN, en anderen allen meerderjarige erfgenamen van PAULUS TIMMERMAN, verkocht werd aan HENRICO MATTHIAS. Deze raffinadrij..."[3]

"7. Jan. 1662 Georg Timmerman, advocaat, Paul Timmerman voor sich en voor zijn moeder Johanna van Zeller wed. Paul Tim-...Henrico Matthias..."[4]

"[12:42] [LETTER FROM THE DIRECTORS AT AMSTERDAM TO TEH DIRECTOR AND COUNCIL] (in support of the petition of Moses da Silva, Jewish merchant)...Your honors' good friends the directors of the West India Company, chamber at Amsterdam Isaack van Beeck Paulus Timmerman Amsterdam, the 16th of November, 1656. [ADDRESED:] To the Directors and Councilors in New Netherland"[5]

"[12:45] [LETTER FROM THE DIRECTORS TO THE DIRECTOR GENERAL AND COUNCIL] The 19th of December 1656...Herewith, Honorable, Wise, Prudent, Pious, Beloved, Faithfull, we commend your honors to God's protection and remain, Your good friends, the directors of the West India Company, Chamber at Amsterdam Paulus Timmermann Abr. Wilmerdonx"[6]

"In the following year it was the constellation Jacob Pietersz: Hooghkamer, Godert Kerckrinck, Cornelis Spiering & Co. who bought the Chinese silk, while Paulus Timmermann bought the Chinese "getweernde zijde", and Gommer Spranger "alle de geele rouwe Chinesche zijde." In July 1633 a lot of Persian silk was offered for general sale at fixed minimum prices subject to the proviso that the smallest sale should comprise one bale, but at the normal great sale in the autumn the Persian silk brought home was sold by contract to Jacob Piertsz: Hoogkamer & Co. In the same autumn a contract for the Chinese silk was made with Hoogkamer, van Loon & Co., while Andries Pels and Paulus Timmermann bought the inferior sorts of silks. In 1634 it was Cornelis Bicker & Co. who bought the Persian silk and Gillis Put who bought the Chinese silk, while the following year it was Cornelis Bicker, Godert Kerckrinck, Gysbert Tholincx & Co. who contracted for the Chinese silk and Hooghkamer, Cornelis and Jacob Bicker & Co. who bought the Persian silk..."[7]

"[Commenting on Table 28. Amsterdam Sugar Prices, 1631-1637. Fl. per Pond.]...Thus the Company in September 1633 sold the Chinese brood and poeder sugar to Paulus Timmermann and Arnout Pelt at 18 3/8 groot per pond plus 1,001 fl. "op de parthye"..."[8]

"Een enkele suikerbakker investeerde in andere kamers van de VOC dan die te Amsterdam. Ook werd door een klein aantal suikerondernemers naast de inschrijving bij de oprichting van de VOC gehandeld in aandeln van de VOC. Hierbij gaat het in totaal om zeven personen. Vijf van hen (Adam en Hans Nijs (beiden suikerraffinadeur-koopman), Marten de Maijer, Jacques Merchijs en David Nuijts (alledrie koopman-industrieel) hadden in 1602 ook ingetekend op de eerste tienjarige rekening van de compagnie. De twee anderen (Andries pelt en Paulus Timmermann (beiden suikerraffinadeur-koopman) hebben bij de tweede of de derde inschrijving aandeln aangeschaft of hebben deze op een andere wijze verworven.[9] Lucas van de Venne (suikerraffinadeur-koopman) bezat in ieder geval aan het einde van zijn leven een obligatie van de VOC van 6.000 gulden. Deze werd in zijn nalatenschap aangetroffen."[10]
"Timmerman, Paulus (II)
Inventory# 475
Archive: Gemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call Number: 2089B, fol.669 and foll., film 2233
Date: 1660/05/05
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherland
Type: Notarial
Purpose: death inventory
Family name: Timmerman
Owner Name: Timmerman, Paulus (II)
Owner Notes: and his widow Joana van Seller
Life dates: 1589|d c. 1660
Marriage date: 1626/02/27
Type of ceremony: Pui
Occupation: Merchant (largescale)
Residence: At the time of his marriage with Jannetje van Seller, he was living on the Princegracht
Introduction: Inventaris van den imboel huijsraet en meubilen metter doot ontruijmt ende nagelaten byden heer Paulus Timmerman in zyn leven bewinthebber van de Westindische Comp-e hier ter stede sooals hy de selve gemeen beseeten heeft met Juffr. Joanna van Seller desselfs nagelaten wedue, beschreven opt aengeven van de vergrifte Joanna van Seller door my Joannes Hellerus ... Getaxeert door Lysbeth Martens en Comeryntje Cornelis gesworen schatsers. Postscript: Verclaerde de voors. Lysbet Martens en Comeryntje Cornelis de voors. goederen ten prijsen daernevens gestelt getaxeert te hebben, aldus geinventariseert ten overstaen van Jan Cranendoncq en Joan de Raet den 5 maij a-o 1660
Commentary: Paulus Timmerman II was apparently the grandson of Paulus Timmerman I, a major trader in commerce with Russia as early as 1545, born in Riga, who was married to Marie Coelckies (Wijnroks, Handel tussen Rusland en de Nederlanden 1560-1640, p. 95). Paulus Timmerman II was the son of Jeuriaen Timmerman I who assisted him on the occasion of his betrothal with Magdalena Camps (or Campen) on 5 May 1614. Paulus, born in Riga, was then 24 years old. Magdalena, 25, born in Aachen, was assisted by her father Pieter Camps and her mother Lysbeth Blokkering (DTB 418/91). Paulus II was a sugar refiner. His father was Jeuriaen (or Jorgen) Timmerman I. He was the brother of Magdalena Timmerman I who married the sugar refiner David Nuyts. Jeuriaen Timmerman I, born in Antwerp, invested 12,000 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 159 and Elias, Vroedschap, p. 170). He was frequently cited in freighting and letters-of-exchange documents in the 1590s. On 17 October 1597, for instance, he constituted himself surety for a letter of credit issued by Johannes Thimolteo Happach, merchant in Riga (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van het Oostzeehandel R.G.P., 178(1981), p. 105.) On 20 May 1615, Paulus Timmerman (II), widower of Magdalena Campen, was betrothed to Jannetje van Zeller (DTB 764/2). Jannetje van Zeller survived him. Paulus Timmerman II is probably identical with Paul Tymmerman who attempted to operate a sugar-refining factory in London about 1616. It was alleged by the London sugar refiners that this Tymmerman hath combined with divers strangers beyond Seas, and hath their so greate a Stock of money, as if he should be sufffered to use this Art, within or neere the Cittie, it would sucke out the hart and sweete of this business from the English (cited in Violet Barbour, Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th century, reprint, 1963, p. 121). On 27 June 1627, Paulus Timmerman II and Joanne van Zeller had their daughter Cristina baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Cristina van Zeller. For the inventory of Magdalena Timmerman (II), another daughter of Paulus Timmerman II, see the inventory of her husband Jacob Rotgans, INVNO 463. In 1631, Paulus Timmerman II, living on the East side of the Keysersgracht, paid a tax of 140 f. Samuel Timmerman and Maria Timmermans, who were listed next to his name, paid 150 f. and 30 f. respectively (Kohier, fol. 301 vo. and 302, p. 69). In the inventory of Barbara Berrewijns, widow of Pieter Boudart, an obligation issued by Pauwels Timmerman II and Samuel Timmerman dated 3 September 1634 was cited (NA 563A, film 6544). Paulus Timmerman II, Samuel Timmerman, and Maria Timmerman were probably siblings. On 11 December 1636, Sr. Paulus Timmerman II gave a procuration to Jacques Thiery in London to liquidate some affairs he had jointly with Jan Thiery in that city (NA 414A, fol. 522). On 22 March 1638, he gave Abraham van der Canter a procuration, again to liquidate his affairs with Jan (or Joan) Thiery in London (NA 417, film 6434). On 10 August 1637, he testified regarding the course of W.I.C. shares at the request of Samuel Gilles (NA 637B, film 4982). Paulus Timmerman II, the owner of the goods in this inventory, had became a director of the W.I.C. by 1657 (Johannes de Laet, History of the W.I.C.). Paulus Timmerman III, who was probably the son of Paulus Timmerman II, married Henrica (Henrietta) van der Houve on 30 December 1669. She was the daughter of Aper Jacobsz. van der Hoeven and of Adriana Strick and the grand niece of Robbrecht van der Hoeve (of R 24408 of Montias2). Aper Jacobsz. was the grandson of Aper van der Hoeve, the famous Delft collector and amateur of the arts (whose collection was cited by Van Mander) (for details on the Van der Hoeve family, see Ons Voorgeslacht 56(2001), pp. 1-63).
Notary: J. Hellerus
Appraiser: Lysbeth Martens and Comeryntje Cornelis
Total Value: 3610 |d
Art Value: 526 |d 10 stuivers
[#] of Item: 49

Montias1 #:375"[11]
  1. Jump up Lodewijk Hulsman, Martijn Van den Bel, 'REcherches en archives sur la famille Sweerts', Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire de la Guadeloupe 163:45-58 (2012), 'Annexe 2: Le tableau récapitulatif des actes du SAA', p.52
  2. Jump up Lodewijk Hulsman, Martijn Van den Bel, 'REcherches en archives sur la famille Sweerts', Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire de la Guadeloupe 163:45-58 (2012), 'Annexe 2: Le tableau récapitulatif des actes du SAA', p.53
  3. Jump up J.J. Reesse, De suikerhandel van Amsterdam, van het begin der 17de eeuuw tot 1813 (XXXX, 1908), p.125
  4. Jump up J.J. Reesse, De suikerhandel van Amsterdam, van het begin der 17de eeuuw tot 1813 (XXXX, 1908), p.cxlii
  5. Jump up Charles T. Gehring (transl. & ed.), Correspondence, 1654-1658(Syracuse, 2003), p.100
  6. Jump up Charles T. Gehring (transl. & ed.), Correspondence, 1654-1658(Syracuse, 2003), pp.102-112
  7. Jump up Kristof Glamann, Dutch-Asiatic trade 1620-1740 ('s-Gravenhage, 2012), p.32
  8. Jump up Kristof Glamann, Dutch-Asiatic trade 1620-1740 ('s-Gravenhage, 2012), p.154
  9. Jump up Citing fn.42 'In 1639 hadden zij beiden aandelen in de VOC' (GAA, NA 1609 f. 171-172 (30-9 1639)).
  10. Jump up A.H. Poelwijk, '"In dienste vant suyckerenbacken." De Amsterdamse suikernijverheid en haar ondernemers, 1580-1630', PhD thesis, FGw: Institut voor Cultuur en Geschiednis, 2003, Ch. 5: Het economische gedrag van de suikerondernemers, pp.167-168
  11. Jump up The Frick Collection, The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories, 'Timmerman, Paulus (II)