HCA 13/70 f.638v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.638v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th of November 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of John [?Royne] in a cause}
of Assurance concerning the John and}
ffrancis of London, againts [?Travell] and}

Examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the said
John Roy.

Rp. 1

William Johnson of Shipton in the County of dorset
Mariner, aged 33 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined
in the high Court of the Admiraltie of England.

To the first and second Interrogatories ghee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the
shipp the John and ffrancis of London interrogated whereof this deponent was late
master, and saith the producent John Roy of London merchant (whom this
deponent well knoweth) was part owner of her at such times as this deponent
left her at Baarfleur in the Realme of ffrance, which was in or about May
last, which hee knoweth because hee the said Mr Roy bought her and put this deponent
master of her, and together with Mr Cockroft and Mr [?Nappar] other part owners
set her out from weymouth on her last voyage in or about March last
past, which hee knoweth going master of her, but of what particular
partt each or any of them was owner hee knoweth not, but taketh it that
they were owners of her in thirds.

To the third hee saith that in or about the beginning of October 16544
the said shipp the John and ffrancis in the imployment of her said owners
set saile and departed from Waymouth bound for
Wexford in Ireland laden with Spanish wines, deale boards and some other goods
for the said owners accompt, which shee delivered at Wexford and there
reladed herrings, and retourned therewith to Weymouth and
there dischardged the same for the said accompt in or about January 1654
and thenin May following tooke in two tunns of Spanish ironm and
carried the same to Barfleur in ffrance for the same account and there
delivered the same in or about the end of the said
moneth of March, all which hee knoweth going master of her from place
to place and seeing such her arrrivall and imployment.

Tio the fourth hee saith that the said shipp was sent to Barfleur by the
said Mr [?Roy] with purpose to have her there laden with [?XXXs] to be
transported to Saint Sebastians or Bilbo, and being at Barfleur shee was on or
about the fourth of Aprill last arrested, and seized in the said port
of Barfleur by authoritie of the king of ffrance,m and there detained
and there her sailes were by the said authoritie taken from her yards and
her muskets carried ashore, and [?then] there were noe goods but ballast
then aboard her, and matts to be laid under the beams, and saith shee
was then and there by the said seizure taken from
the foresaid John [?Roy] and company her said owners, together with
all her tackle and furniture.

To the fifth hee saith hee this deponent and one mr [?hassum]
a merchant there (corrrespondent of the said mr [?Roy]) used all diligence
and means that they could by sollicitation and otherwise to procure her
release and discharge, but finding all to be in vaine and not prevailing
this deponent and companie after about seaven weekes stay were forced
to leave her and retourne for England. And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that mr [?hassum] told this deponent
that hee endeavoured to have the said shipp [?X ?XXXX]. but could not prevaile.

Repeated in Court before the two Judges.

william Johnson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]