HCA 13/70 f.636r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 636 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/02/01 |
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To the seaventh and eighth articles hee saith and deposeth that while the
premisses were soe doing ashore by the countrey people there came a
certaine person downe to the said shipp and tooke upon him to
be an officer of the Earle of Arundell, and impowered to lppke after
wrecks at that coast as belonging to his lord, whereupon the said Arent
Mar[?yusen] applied himselfe to him, and acquainting him that the said
shipp was voluntarily there put ashore by meanes of a leake
besought him to assist in the saving of her and her ttackle furniture
and lading, from the countrey people there gathered together, and
tould him hee would willingly pay him whatsoever should be done
in that casem or to that effect, to which the said person
notwithstanding that hee sawe the said master and company
there in safetie, and that the said shipp was aground, retourned answer,
that shee was a wrack and belonged to the lord of Arundell
and did not give any aide for her saving which answer when the
countrey people (who by that time were severall hundred of
persons gathered together) heard; they cried out, if it belongs to
the Earle of Arundell it belongs to us, and therewithall they fell
with swords, axes, hammers and other instruments to cutting the
shipp and to plundering and their number still increasing they
finally cutt, tooke and carryed away all the shipsp tackle, apparell
and furniture and all her lading and goods, notwithstanding all the
endeavour possible used by the said master and this deponent and the
rest of the said shipps company to prevent them and to save
the said shipp and goods. The premisses hee deposeth of his owne
sight and knowledge. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the ninth hee cannot depose.
To the tenth hee saith that in case the said leake had not happened
the said shipp and goods had not come to that disaster, but had
in all probabilitie gonne safe to Amsterdam, and bin there dischardged
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
hinderick Matt[?esen] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
Peter ffreyle of Burdeholme in denmark Mariner, late
Cooke of the said shipp the Saint Jacob aged 30 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article hee saith the said shipp the Saint Jacob belongeth
to the port of Amsterdam, whence shee proceeded on this voyage about
six monethes since, under the conduct of Arent Marinsen her
master, who hired and shipped this deponent to goe Cooke of
her the said voyage, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second article hee saith that the time arlate the said shipp
being at Porto Porte in Portugall (bound for Amsterdam) was at Porto Port