HCA 13/70 f.631v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.631v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and documents hee saith hee received from Amsterdam and Leyden
from the severall persons therein mentioned, and being soe authentically
made and passed, hee verily beleeveth the contents thereof to be true
and to be soe had and donne in all things as therein is contained. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the third hee cannot depose.

To the fourth article hee saith that hee alsoe knoweth the arlate
Abraham [?Maysert] by correspondance, and hath received dispatches
from him from Amsterdam where hee was and is Inhabitant, and
for an Inhabitant of that place and a subiect of the Lords the States
of the United Netherlands, and hee further leaveth and (sic) attestation
touching the same and other the matters allegate, and verily beleeveth
the contents thereof to be true and to be soe had and donne as therein
is contained. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth hee cannot depose.



To the first of November 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Abraham de Peister of London Marchant, Booke-keeper
of his precontest Charles Marisco aged 24 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth that hee personally and
well knoweth the producents (sic) Thomas Bowrse of Amsterdam and hath
soe donne for theise seaven yeaares last or thereabouts, Charles Barbou
of the same about five yeares, Mr Play of Leyden (but his christian name
hee knoweth not) about three yeares, James or Jaques Casteline of Amsterdam
about seaven yeares, Allert Pollart of Leyden about three yeares, daniel
desmossiers, Giles Marseilles, Mathew S[?woke]. Maturin Pellicot,
Baldwin and Tonis or Anthony Boards, and Julian Lansen and his
sonne all of Amsterdam for about seaven yeares last, and Gidaeon
Car[?se] of the same about two yeares, and saith they were and are subiects
of the lords the States of the United Netherlands and for such commonly
accompted, and saith they were and are all merchants of
good qualitie and accompt, and dealers from Amsterdam and Leyden to
Saint Mallo's and other places in ffrance and betwixt those places, which
hee knoweth because hee this deponent for the space of seaven yeares
last or thereabouts ended about two monethes since lived in Amsterdam
as a booke keeper and imployed in merchandize, and soe came well
to knowe and take notice of the said persons and such their dealing
And for William Crown hee saith hee hath seene letters from him from
Amsterdam to John Buck and company of this citie, and hath heard that
the arlate Lewes [?havin] was and is alsoe of Amsterdam, and hee beleeveth
them to be alsoe subiects of the lords the States of the United Netherlands
And for dwellers in the places aforesaid, and subiects of the said States and
marchants of good accompt and dealing as aforesaid hee saith the predeposed
persons were and are commonly accompted reputed and taken, And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving hee hath seene authenticall attestations
from holland testifying the habitation and subiection aforesaid of the said parties and of
the underwritten Abraham Maysert, being the same left by his precontest.
