HCA 13/70 f.629r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.629r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 23th of October 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Smith and Company Mariners of the}
Constant, against Captaine Phillips.}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation
givemn in on the Mariners behalfe.


Captaine Richard [?Gronden] of the parish of
Saint Peters Paulswharfe London aged 25 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith and deposeth that within the time arlate
the arlate Captaine Isaac Phillips and company by vertue of letters of Marque
or Reprizall obtained against the ffrench, set out the vessell the Constant
upon that designe, and that while the said shipp was in that imployment
the producents William Smith, Samuell Wright and most of the other oersons
schedulated served in her as mariners and of her company some sooner and some
later, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent was for some space of that
time in her and went to sea in her, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith that in or about the moneth of ffebruary 1650 the said
vessell the Constant and company (of which company the said Smith, Wright and
many otheer of the said persons schedulated then were) surprized and tooke in the
Channell on the high and open sea a hoy laden with herrings, which hee
saith were carried away by some of the men into Spaine, and never turned
to any accompt or yeelded any proffit to the owners or Imployers of the Constant.
And that in or about the moneth of March next following, the said shipp the
Constant and company aforesaid tooke a shipp called the Saint Joseph laden
with salt, some vinegar and some prunes, which shipp was restored to
Barstable men (as hee remembreth) by authoritie of this Court. And
saith that in or about Aprill next following they tooke a shipp called the
Concord laden with about 58 chests of sugar (browne and white together)
some Shumack, and some Madera wine, which Madera wine, and as
hee beleeveth the Shumack were restored to the master being a dutch man.
And that in or about June next following they tooke the dolphin arlate
laden with pitch and rozin, which shipp and freight were restored. And
that in or abouy July next following they took the shipp the Winter ling
laden with Rie, or other corne, which shipp and goods were restored
by authoritie of this Court to his best remembrance. And that in or about
the same moneth they tooke the shipp called the Ile of Wearing with her
lading of Rosin, Skinnes, wax and other commodities, which shipp, rozin
skinnes, and some other goods were restored, and shortly after in or about the
same moneth they tooke a hoy called the Hope laden with wheate, rie and
other corne, which shipp and her freight were restored. And saith the
said shipp and company alsoe tooke a vessell called the fflower-pott having
some pewter and old nailes or [?stamps] aboard her, which shipp was restored.
But the valew of any of the goods predeposed, or what they yeelded to the
said owners or Imploiers, hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith the said Smith and Wright and severall other of the
said mariners did act and assist at the taking and surprizing some