HCA 13/70 f.584v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 584 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/18 |
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hearing the said newes, and that the ffrench merchants said and reported
that the dutch were all false, and betraid them and gave away their
goods to the English, and that they reported alsoe that the said kein had sent
letters over into England to have the English come and take him, and
the said Skippers further told this deponent, that they had asked
the said ffrench marchants howe it came to passe that the said kein was
taken and howe the newes came, and that they answered in a [?bemoaning]
manner, the newes was [?too] true, and showed the letter unto them, and
said that the said kein had 20 guns and if hee had but fought they
had not [?XXd], but that hee present;y upon shooting a gun, yeelded and
betraid up their goods, which they said were of an unknowne valew
and that they were undonne.
To the 23th hee saith that the said masters and some others declared
and related to this deponent that the ffrench marchants had freighted three dutch shipps
more to goe after the hare in the feild upon the same designe,
one whereof they said was named the Black George with 26 guns
and that there were five hoyes at Roane laden by the said marchants
wityh peece goods to put aboard the said shipps, but that upon the
newes of the taking of the hare in the ffeild by the English, the
ffrench tooke all ashoare againe and dischardged the said shipps
and that the Black George was thereupon gonne to Amsterdam
againe in her ballast, but the other two were still remaining at
haver de Grace.
To the 24th hee saith that on or about the thirtieth day of
the said moneth of May one Maynard Everson, one ffrancis [?Johnson]
Brower and one John duvall, being taely before come from
haver de Grace, and on the said day seized by this deponent, did upon
such their seizure relate and declare to this deponent to the effect
deposed to the two next precedent articles: adding, that diverse
ffrench Merchants had said and sworne to them that if the said
ffrancis Johnson Brewar, master of a shipp called the Sampson with
his shipp or Maynard Everson master of the George of Amsterdam
with his shipp should be alsoe taken by the English, they the
ffrench would never put goods aboard a dutch shipp againe
or to the same effect;
and they much complained upon such their seizre that the ffrench
merchants would say that they had donne it of purpose and had
betraied their goods, answerable to what themselves had pre[?deposed]
or to the same effect. And otherwise hee cannot depose saving hee
referreth himselfe to the deposition of the said duvall ffrancis Johnson Brewar and Maynard
Everson taken at
Portsmouth before the
Major amd as hee beleeveth
remaining in this Court.
To the 25th hee saith that in or about the twelveth of June
last, this deponent at sea in the said frigot met a dane
commeing from haver de Grace, and commannded the master
aboard and examined him, and questioned him concerning the
hare in the ffeild, and upon such questioning the saiid dane
confessed and said that the ffrench gave over all the lading of
the said shipp for lost, and that hee beleeved many of them
would thereupon turne bankrupt or breake, for hee said hee
heard some of them declare that they had lost some tenn
some fifteene thousand pounds in the said shipp; and in his
hearing vowe that they were utterly undone.