HCA 13/70 f.583r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 583 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/18 |
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soe longe for him, telling him that this deponent had staid for him {?XXX}
dayes, to which hee answered, look for mee seaven dayes, wherefore did
you looke seaven dayes for mee, to which this deponent replied thus or
to the like effect, Skipper, I knew well of your being in haver de
Grace, and of your rich lading, and that you were laden by frenchman
and for frenchmans accompt, and I well know all your proceedings
as well as you your selfe, and told him that his laders were david
and James Coniers, and Beniamin duvall and other ffrench men
and that hee was bound for Cadiz, and what course hee intended to
steere as aforesaid, and withall howe many gunds hee had in his shipp
and what number of men, and described unto him the markes and
properties of his shipp, and named unto him the kinne and place
when, where and in whose company hee had sworne and under a ruse
ingaged himselfe to the ffrenchmen to fight his way through against any
shipp, and alsoe named unto him the man (sic) that lay by his shipps
die whilst hee was lading, and described them, and asked
him if hee knew them, and the said kein confessed that hee knew them
and that hee had said hee would fight his way through as aforesaid, and
before whst hee heard this deponent soe tight in the particulars of time
place and persons, hee asked, saying, what bin you a divell that you
can knowe that, or to the same effect; and when this deponent named the said
master bound for [?XXXX] the said kein asked him if hee had taken him and this deponent answering [#]
that hee was taken and sent for
[?XXXX], the divell said the
said kein, there
cannot a shipp escape you.
To the twelveth article hee saith that this deponent demannded of
the said keen his [?permitts] and dispatches, and hee answered that hee had
not any, whereupon this deponent asked him, howe then hee gote out
of ffrance, to which hee answered, ot might bee his merchants had them,
and this deponent asking him who were his merchants, hee answered
that hee knew not his merchants, and this deponent asking him saying
is it likely that a master can take in soe many rich goods, and not
knowe his merchants, and therewithall againe asked him who they
were, and whether they were french or dutch, but hee still answered
that hee knew them not, nor whether they were ffrench or dutch,
but said hee thought they were some ffrench and some dutch.
To the thirteenth hee saith that this deponent demannded and asked
the said John kein for his Invoice, who told him that hee had none, but
said that if hee were abroad his owne shipp, hee would streight waies
make one, or to the same effect.
To the fourteenth hee saith that this deponent
then alsoe asked the said John kein what papers or writings hee had
and whether hee had any bills of lading; and the said John kein then
delivered to this deponent a parcell of papers and writings, which
hee this deponent very shortly after sent all upp to the right honourable
the Commissioners for the Navy and Admiraltie, and since this deponent
hath seene them in the hands of some belonging to this Court.
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifteenth article hee saith that this deponent oftentimes pressed
the said John kein earnestly to deliver to him all the papers and
writings that hee had, demanndeing of him if hee were sure that
the parcell which hee had then newly delivered him (being the
parcell aforesaid) were all the papers and writings that were in the