HCA 13/70 f.576r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.576r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


who had order from the Owners to put in a Master into her that ever
a hamburgher) at Marsellis where hee the sayd hinsh (who is by
birth a hamburger as appeareth to this deponent by his Burgers breife which this
deponent hath seene under the seale of the Cittie of hamburgh) first tooke upon him
the mastershipp thereof, And hee saith that hee well knoweth that one Jacob
Scoomaker a hamburgher was master of the sayd shipp the Switzer next
before the sayd hinsh./

To the 5th hee saith the sale above mentioned was reall, and not in trust,
nor is any part of the sayd shipp made over to any ffrenchman
or subiect of the ffrench King that this deponent knoweth of, nor doth
hee beleeve in his conscience that any part thereof is soe made over, And
further hee cannot answere./

To the 6th saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere, for
that hee was not present at, nor privie to the buying of the goods Interrogate nor
knoweth ought touching the proprietie of them save by letters of
advice as is predeposed./

To the 7th hee saith that hee not being at Marselles when the goods Interrogate were
laden cannot depose to any of the particulers of this Interrogatorie./

To the 8th hee saith hee hath knowne the sayd Vroling, Van Campen and Peterson
for these 4 yeares last past or thereabouts, during which tyme their residence hath
bin at Roane and haverdegrace and parts neere thereabouts and saith they have noe
part or share in the goods claymed. soe farr as this deponent knoweth, And
what Countreymen they are hee hath before expressed in his deposition to the allegation

To the 9th hee cannot answere
the particulers thereof for that hee was not at Marselles when the goods
claymed were laden/

To the 10th hee cannot answere not knowing nor having heard that the Zollicoffers and the sayd
Scrothering have transferred their right in the sayd goods to any subiect of the
ffrench King or to any other person whatsoever./

To the 11th hee saith hee beleeveth and is verily perswaded in his conscience that
the clayme made by the producents in this cause is reall, and that noe part of
the shipp or goods interrogate doe belonge to any subiect of the ffrench King And
further hee cannot answere/

To the 12th hee saith that hee hath a letter of Advise from Amsterdam
from Mathias Zollicoffer one of the Claymers in this cause that
hee hath there Insured some parte of the goods claymed and hee saith the Insurers
live at Amsterdam and are dutchmen, as hee beleeveth And otherwise hee
cannot answere/

To the 13th hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contents thereof

To the last hee saith the goods claymed are of the manufacture of ffrance, and
saith that hee beleeveth (for that in the schedule mentioned in the 7th article of the
allegation there is mention made of a farr greater quantitie of soape and alsoe of other
goods then is claymed in this cause) that there were other goods aboard the sayd shipp
bersides those now claymed And further hee cannot depose./

Tobias Zollicoffer [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]