HCA 13/70 f.571r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.571r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th hee saith that hee well knoweth that it is a thinge very frequent
for persons who come in laden to goe on board any shipp in the River of Thames
and for the better securing of their ladeing to fasten
to other shipps for one tyde (and somtymes for longer) and that without the good
likeing of the Company of the shipp to which they fasten, it being a Common
case and tending to the preservation of their shipps and ladeing, and this deponent
hath often knowne shipps fasten in the River of Thames uppon shipps wherein
this deponent was one of the Company, and knoweth they have done soe
without the Consent and good likeing of the Masters and Companys of the
sayd shipps to which they were fastned, and hee saith that it is a thinge
well knowne amongst sea men that shipps doe usually in the like
cases fasten one to an other in the River of Thames, And
soe hee saith they have used to doe ever since hee
this deponent was a seaman, and hee well remembreth that about three
weekes since a shipp came from the West Indies lade with sugar (whose name hee remembreth not) and did
contrary to the will of this deponent who had then the care and ordering of
the shipp the honour (whereof hee is now Boatswaine) committed unto him
by Captaine John Price the Master thereof during his ansence) fasten their
hawser to the sayd shipp and ridd thereby neere upon three weekes the Honour then lying at the same chayne at Limehouse where the ffrancis and Mary laye And
the honour being then outward bound for Virginia and takeing in goods
almost every day, And for the particuler names of other shipps that have soe bin
fastned unto, hee remembreth not at present, And further hee cannot

To the 6th and 7th hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his foregoeing
deposition and answeres soe farr as hee can, saving hee saith that the
Company of the Exeter Marchant did twice fasten their hawser to the
Cable of the ffrancis and Mary, and that the first tyme they soe fastned
it the Master and Company of the ffrancis and Mary did forbidd
them soe to doe, and loosned the same presently but the same being
fastned the second tyme the Master and Company of the
ffrancis and Mary did suffer the same to continue soe fastened about halfe an
hower, and afterwards cut it off as before is deposed And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 8th hee saith the sayd shipp the Exeter Merchant at the tyme
Interrogate could not lye at Anchor soe safe in any place of the
Thames as the place where the ffrancis and Mary laye
for that the Thames was fuller of shipps in other places then
it was there, and the tyde of ebb was soe stronge that shee
could not possibly make to any other place to ride soe safely as
there if there had bin roome in other places for her, And further hee
cannot answere./

To the 9th hee saith the Exeter Merchant came on the Outside of the
ffrancis and Mary and as hee beleeveth contrary to the will of the Master
and Company of the ffrancis and Mary./