HCA 13/70 f.557v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.557v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


William hubberly was Commonly reputed and accompted to
be the Master of the arlate shipp the Elsabeth and hee this deponent
well knoweth that while the repaires done to the sayd shipp (and now
in question) were doeing the sayd hubberley did as Master of the
sayd shipp and as having care and charge of her from her Owners
often tymes come and obersight and looke to the doeing of the sayd repayres
and this deponent verily beleeveth hee was then Master of her
the premisses hee deposeth being the person who was imployed to amend
and repayre and did amend and repayre the sayd shipp in manner following And further to this
article hee cannot depose

To the second and third articles of the sayd libell hee saith for that
hee was then foreman of the arlate John Taylers yarde and the cheife
workeman imployed about doeing the repayres hereafter specified
unto the arlate shipp the Elsabeth hee well knoweth that within the
tyme arlate the sayd shipp stood neede of the repayres following and
to the end they might be the better done hee saith shee was haled into
the drye dock at Wapping and the sayd tayler caused this deponent
and others his workemen to ripp of all her old sheathing (it being
decayed and rotten) and dubb downe her sides cleane and spike all
the hoales in her under water and cauke her and grave her with
black stuff a both sides from her water draught to her keele
and bring on five or sixe navell hoods on each side under
her gerdleing two whereof were twelve foote longe a peece and the
other tenn foote longe a peece which were all well fastned to her
stemme and layd sufficientlty with tarr and hare and make
square and alsoe new sheathed the sayd shipp from her ketch to
her gerdling both fore and aft wuth sound and good firr
boards and layed them very well with tarr and hayre and made it
square and nayled it very thick with nayles and then Cawked it
and graved the saayd shipp againe as high as the sayd sheatheing
with white stuff for doeing all which this deponent well
knoweth the sayd John Tayler did provide all the tymber
planck boards nayles haire okeam and other materials
used about the same and hyred this deponent and other workemen
to doe the same And paid this deponent the wages
due to him and his this deponents servants who alsoe wrought thereupon
And this deponent sawe him alsoe pay wages to other persons who wrought