HCA 13/70 f.546r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.546r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


from about fower of the clock in the morning of Sonday the sixteenth of Sep=
tember last till about tenn of the clock at night next ensueing and
was soe extreame violent during that tyme that the sea washed over
the sayd shipp very often with such violence that shee was in great danger
to be overwhelmed and perish therein, and hee saith that soe great the seas force
was which brake in upon her that a sheate Anchor which was fast lashed
to the side of the shipp was by the force thereof heaved into the sayd shipp and
the boate belonging to the sayd shipp droven cleere
over the sayd shipp and three packs of wooll lyeing upon the quarter deck
washed into the sea, and two of the sayd shipps company washed off
into the sea one from the decks and an other from the mayne yarde, one
of which men was by Gods mercie recovered on shipp board, and the other
perished in the sea and hee saith that by reason the sayd Anchor and boate were
heaved into the shipp with such violence they brake the shipps wales and
her waste board, and a Cabbin upon the deck, and by the violence of the seas
workeing over the sayd shipp the seames of her upper deck were soe strayned
that they opened, by meanes whereof shee receaved much water at
those open seames And the Master and company perceiving what great
danger they were in and fearing that they should perish did for their better
preservation of their lives and of the shipp and her ladeing voluntarily heave
over board an Anchor a mayne yard a topp mast a mayne sayle and other
things that laye aboard deck to the end that the sea which
beate in might have the freer passage out, the premisses hee deposeth for
the reasons aforesayd And further to these articles hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee saith that hee well knoweth
that the shipp Conrard was a tight and strong shipp saving for
her seames of her deck which were strayned and opened by the violence
of the storme, and knoweth shee continued tight and stanch after the
sayd storme, and that what damage is happened to her sayd ladeing
happened only by reason of the violence of the sayd storme and not
by any defect of the sayd shipp or fault of the Master and company
of her who all performed their duties diligently and faithfully
to preserve the sayd shipp and her ladeing soe much as they could from
damage And hee this deponent is verily perswaded and beleeveth
that if the sayd shipp had not bin tight and stanch and a strong shipp
it had not bin possible for her and her ladeing to have escaped perishing
in the sea And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin
