HCA 13/70 f.543v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.543v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third hee saith the shipp Interrogate was bound with her ladeing seized in her for Martinico Guardilupa [?Slarijs] and Saint Martins in the West Indies and was there to have discharged her sayd
ladeing videlicet hee was to have discharged parte thereof at Martinica
part at Guardilupa part at [?Slarijs] and the remaynder at Saint Martin And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith the sayd shipp came not to the Barbadoes or
any other English Plantation in America the voyage
Interrogate nor did trade in any of them And further hee cannot answere

To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith the shipp Interrogate was seized by one
Captaine Pasfeild Commander of a shipp called the Barbadoes Merchant
upon the open seas as the sayd ship the Meremayde was in her direct course
towards Martinico in this manner the sayd shipp the Meremayde being
neere the Barbadoes as aforesayd the Master of the sayd shipp the Barbadoes
Merchant (whose name waas likewise Pasfeild, came with three boates well
manned a board the Meremayde and asked of this deponent whence hee
came and whether hee was bound and what his ladeing was and to what port hee belonged And this
deponent answered that hee belonged to fflushing, and came from the Weild
coast from [?Winnemarie] there and was bound for Martinico and the rest
of the ports in the West Indies before named, and that his ladeing was
Sea Cowes, and with all told the sayd Pasfeild that hee this deponent
wanted fresh water to supllie his shipp with and asked him the sayd Pasfeild
if hee thought hee might safely send his boate to the Barbadoes to get a supplye of fresh water there which
the sayd Pasfeild and all that came with him answered yes and presently
the sayd Pasfeild and his company being a greater company then this
deponent had belonging to the shipp the Meremayde, (which consisted only of
seaven men beside this deponent and two boyes) seized upon the [?steerage]
of the Meremayde and manned her sayles and by force and contrary to
the will of this deponent and company carried the sayd shipp
the Meremayde into the harbour of the Barbadoes and to the bridge there
And saith the premisses were soe done by the sayd Pasfeild the tenth day
of June last past new style And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere

To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith that hee this deponent and all his company
were turned onshoare in the Barbadoes and only their chests
(after they were broken open and a great part of what was in
them taken out) were by the takers restored to this deponent and
Company, by reason of which being soe turned ashoare the Company
is all dispersed, this deponent knoweth not whether

To the 7th hee saith as before the shipp Interrogate was taken upon the
high and open seas,./

[?Xright] Notary Publique Interpreter [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Jacob Van der Ende [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/