HCA 13/70 f.539r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 539 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/02/06 |
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and parts thereabouts the ffishermen tennants of the sayd mannor and
hundred of ffeversham have tyme out of mynde and memory of men
now living had the right to fish and ene in quiet possession of fishing
the grounds in question exclusive to all other fishermen whatsoever
(the like things done secretly as by way of trespasse excepted)./
The sayd John Asken upon the arlate allegation
dated the 10th of October 1655/[CENTRE HEADING]
To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee having bin a tennant to the
grounds in question for these 38 yeares last past well knoweth (for that hee hath contributed
and paid his share thereto) that the tennants ffishermen of the Mannor and hundred of
ffeversham and they only have from tyme to tyme (soe often as the sayd grounds stood in
neede of storeing with oysters) stored the same with oysters bought
with their money and brought out of Essex and other places and layed
in the sayd grounds, and knoweth that the sayd Tennants have expended in
oysters to store the sayd grounds, some yeares forty pounds, some yeares
thirty pounds, and some yeares twenty pounds, and some yeares lesse, according
as the sayd grounds stood neede of storeing, and well knoweth that the sayd
Tennants and they only have alsoe for these tenn or twelve yeares last past
(for that since that tyme the ffishermen of other places have used
secretly and as by stealth in the night tyme to fish there for oysters)
watched the sayd grounds in question from before Lamas till a moneth
or sixe weekes after Michaelmas yearely, to prevent other ffishermen
from fishing for oysters therein, and hee this deponent knoweth that the
tennants ffishermen of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham have every
weeke yearely during the sayd tenn or twelve yeares (for such tyme as the
sayd grounds were soe watched) paid for watcheing them thirty shillings
a weeke, this hee knoweth having as a tennant paid his share thereof
yearely, And knoweth that the Inhabitants of Stroude Millton
Gillingham nor any other places adiacent nor any save the fishermen
Tennants of the sayd Mannor and hundred of ffeversham (since this
deponent was a Tennant) did at any tyme watch the sayd grounds, or
store them with oysters, or pay any thing toward the watching and
storeing of them, or had any right to fish in the sayd grounds or
did fish in them, save seecretly and as tresspassers as is before
declared that ever this deponent knew or heard of And further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose/
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause
uncompelled at the request of the producents and saith hee is a tennant
and payeth his share as a Tennant towards the prosecution of this suite,
and as a ffisherman of ffeversham and useth to fish in the places in question,
and saith hee desyreth that right may prevaile in this cause and
that if the ffeversham men be overthrowne in this cause hee sahll loose the benefit