HCA 13/70 f.537v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 537 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/06 |
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To the 2 hee saith hee well knoweth that the Tennants ffishermen of the
Mannor and hundred of ffeversham doe by them selves as such as they hyre
to that purpose yearely watch the grounds in question from about
a fortnight before Lammas till about a moneth or six weekes after Michaelmas
to prevent any but the tennants of the sayd hundred and mannor from
fishing for oysters or any other fish on the grounds in question and this
deponent being a tennant and having yearely paid his part thereof knoweth
that it hath cost the ffishermen Tennants of the sayd mannor and hundred of
ffeversham yearely any tyme these twenty and odd yeares last thirty shillings
a weeke yearely dureing the tyme they were soe watched, and hee saith
that the Inhabitants of Stroud Milton Gillingham nor
any but the tennats ffishermen of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham did
at any tyme watch or pay for watcheing the sayd grounds or had
any right to fish for oysters or other fish there that this deponent ever knew or heard of And further to this article
hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause at the request
of the producents without compulsorie and saith the charge of this deponent and
the rest of the witnesses is borne generally by the ffishermen tennants of the mannor and
hundred of ffeversham and hee as a tennant beareth his share thereof, and saith hee
is a ffisherman and useth to fish upon the grounds Interrate and saith if it were in
his power hee would give the victorie in this cause only to them that have right
thereto, and desyreth onlt that right may take place and prevaile therein And saith
hee being a tennant as aforesayd it will be very preiudiciall to him if
this cause be adiudged against the tennants of ffeversham Mannor and hundred
his livelyhood or the greatest part thereof consisting in fishing the sayd
grounds, and soe consequently great benefitt to him if they prevaile And further
hee cannot answere
To the 2 hee saith hee hath lived in ffeversham these fower or five and
fifty yeares last past andis and hath bin a ffisherman soe longe and hath knowne the grounds
Interrogate for three and fifty yeares of the sayd tyme or thereabouts and
saith it lyeth within the ebbing and flowing of the sea but is shallow toward
the mouth not above seaven or eight foote water at lowe water and about a
quarter of a myle broad at lowe water and about a myle broad at high
water betwixt shoare and shoare, but cannot admitt shipps of such
a burthen as is Interrogate or of any great burthen to ride there by reason the
entrance is soe shallowe neither did this deponent ever see any shipp of
such considerable burthen as is Interrogate ride there And further hee cannot
To the third hee saith hee was never at any Vice Admiralty Court
held in Kent And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere otherwise
then negatively well knowing that the grounds in question are yearely
appointed when to be layed in and when broken open by a Jury only