HCA 13/70 f.530r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.530r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


this Court and that hee cometh to testifie on the charge of the producents but is to learne his part thereof and of other the charges in this suite as a ffisherman and tennant of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham
and saith hee is a ffisherman of ffeversham and doth
fish in the places in question and saith hee would give the victorie in this
cause to them that have right thereto, and that it will be preiudiciall to
this deponent if the ffeversham men prevaile not in their cause,
and beneficiall to him if they have the better therein, which notwithstanding
hee desyreth right may take place therein, And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot depose/

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath lived in ffeversham and the hundred thereof
for these thirty five yeares last past and hath bin a ffisherman soe longe
and hath knowne the place Interrogate for thirty yeares of the sayd tyme very
well, and saith the same lyeth withn the ebbing and flowing of the sea, and
is at high water almost a myle over from shoare to shoare, and in some
places lesse, and at lowe water about a quarter of a myle over but
saith that shipps of such a burthen as is interrogate or of any other great burthen cannot nor
doe ride there by reason the entreance thereinto
is shallowe not above seaven foote deepe at lowe water and will not
at any tyme afford water sufficient at the entrance thereof to admitt
any shipp of great burthen to come in And further otherwise then negatively hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee answereth that hee was never at any Viceadmirall Court held in Kent
nor was ever a Jury man in any of them, but saith hee hath often bin a
Jury man of the Court held for the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham
and that the Jury of that Court (whereof the ffishermen of Stroud
halsto[?n] Wilton and Gillingham are not at any tyme Jurors) doe appointe
tymes for laying in and breakeing open of the grounds in question
and punish such as offend the sayd orders this hee
knoweth for that hee hath bin punished by the sayd Court for offending
against the orders thereof in such case made And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition otherwise than negatively hee cannot
answere to this Interrogatorie./

To the 4th hee saith that within the tyme Interrogate some of the
ffishermen of Strowde Milton and other places adiacent have dredged
and fished for oysters secretly and in the night tyme upon the grounds in question and haveing bin taken
soe doeing have bin fined for the same by the Court held for the Mannor
and hundred of ffeversham and have sub,itted themselves as trespassers
for soe doeing And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee answereth
negatively never having heard of any such order or complaint as
is Interrogate./

To the 5th hee saith hee cannot write nor reade and to the rest of the Interrogatorie
hee answereth negatively./

To the 6th hee saith hee hath contributed and promised to contribute his propor=
tionable part as a ffisherman and Tennant to the hindred and mannor of
ffeversham ro the charges of this suite and would notwithstanding give the victorie in this cause
to them that have the right thereto if it were in his power And otherwise