HCA 13/70 f.526v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.526v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


mannor and hundred exclusive to all other ffishermen whatsoever
to fish in the sayd grounds and watercourses and saith that the ffishermen tennants of
the sayd Mannor and hundred during all the tyme this deponent hath bin an
Inhabitant of ffeversham which hath bin for these three or fower and thirty
yeares last past have constantly enioyed the sole right of fishermen
in the sayd grounds and watercourses as being parte of the mannor and hundred of ffeversham
and properly belonging to them only and have according;y fished there quietly and [?XXXXed] the fish thereof to their owne use and benefit and saith that none of the ffishermen
of Strowde Milton halstowe Gillingham allegate or places adiacent
have used to fish in the sayd grounds and water courses save at such tymes as they did
it secretly and as it were by stealth and hee this deponent
having bin thrice mayor of ffeversham hath knowne complaintes
made some to this deponent and some before my Lord of [?Warwick]
then high Admirall of England or his deputie against the ffishermen
of Stroud and other places adiacent for fishing and dredging for oysters secretly by stealth
the sayd grounds and hath knowne some of them premissed as [?XX XXXXXX] and [?finally]
for doeing and [?estreats] served upon them for [?XXXing] the
sayd fynes [?and their hands and seale for soe doeing and [?XXX] bond to the ffishermen [?XXX]also the mannor and [#]

and hundred of ffeversham not to offende in the like kimde
againe neither by themselves nor servants, and for the
lawfull and sole

proprietors of the fishing the sayd
grounds, as being parcell of the sayd mannor and hundred
of ffeversham the Lords of the sayd Mannor and their tennants the fishermen
of the sayd Mannor and hundred have bin tyme out of mynde and memory
of man Commonly accompted and reputed as hee hath divers aunchient inhabitants of ffeversha, affirme And hee saith that
hee hath seene evidence expressing that the ffishermen of the mannor
and hundred of ffeversham are adought to pay
yearely to the Lord of the mannor of ffeversham aforesayd for such
their priviledge of fishing the sayd grounds exclusive to all other ffishermen whatsoever the summe of twenty
three shillings and fower pence (or thereabouts as hee remembreth) And
saith that the producents Godfrey, damon,
[?Peirry] and George and others ffishermen dwelling within the
Mannor and hundred of ffeversham and Tennants of the sayd hundred and
Mannor and, hee hath seene them and divers others appeare divers tymes
at the Courts held for the sayd Mannor as tennants thereof and
for tennants of the sayd mannor and hundred they have bin for divers
yeares last past commonly reputed And further to this article hee cannot
depose saving hee saith hee hath knowne the sayd lands in question sett out and
[?bounded] by a Jurie (as belonging to the sayd mannor
and hundred) from other lands neere adioyning to them and them belonging to
one Sir Tymothy Thornell./


The sayd Robert Greenestreete upon the sayd arlate
allegation given in the 10th of October 1655./ [CENTRE HEADING]