HCA 13/70 f.507v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 507 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/17 |
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To the 5th hee cannot answere saving his foregoeing deposition
To the 6th hee saith Saint Lucar is in this deponents Judgment a fitt port and
place to repayre shipps and saith hee hath knowne divers shipps there repayred,
and as to the rates of materialls there for such a work hee cannot depose not
being versed in the prizes of them And hee saith hee this deponent
was the man who offered the sayd Keene to supplie him with any money hee
stood neede of for repayre of his sayd vessell, and saith hee never proposed to
the sayd Keene any termes of how much in the hundred hee would furnish
him for but told him what ever hee furnished him with hee this deponent
would drawe the same upon the sayd Cowes by bills of Exchange
To the 7th hee saith hee knoweth the shipp Interrogate tooke in divers goods at
Saint Lucar for London but how much hee knoweth not And saith hee beleeveth
and is perswaded in his conscience (for that hee heard the sayd Keene and his mate
as aforesayd saye the sayd vessell was tight and stanch when shee came into Saint
Lucar) that the sayd vessell continued toght and would soe have done
if shee had carried the goods of the sayd Cowse to Santa Cruse And further
hee cannot answere not knowing directly what distance Santa Cruse is from Saint Lucar nor
whether the mariners Interrogate would have gone in her to Santa Cruse./
To the 8th hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposition
To the 9th saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere./
To the 10th hee saith hee hath heard that the mariners who came from Saint Lucar to
England in the John and Elizabeth were persons who had lost their shipp And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/
To the 11th hee saith hee knoweth all the persons Interrogated and saith that the Interrogated Bedingfeild is
Consull for the English at Saint Lucar, and all the rest of the parties Interrogated are Merchants in Saint Lucar
and are all of them Accompted men of good repute And saith hee is reasonable well acquainted
with the hand writing of the Interrogated ffrancis Bedingfeild George Bland William Bland Peter
Probe and Edward Watts and beleeveth the schedule Interrogated to be subscribed with their handwritings
and that the shipp and Keene in this cause named and the shipp John and Elizabeth, and Keene in the sayd schedule
[?mentioned] [?as one] and the same shipp and person and not divers And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee
cannot answere otherwise then negatively./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin./
The 19th day of September 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Bland and others owners of the shipp the Pilgrim,}
against the Exeter Merchant Thomas Woodfin Master Smith}
Examined upon a libell on behalfe of the sayd
Bland and company et cetera
James Watkins of Lymehouse in the parish of Stepney
and County of Middlesex Mariner Master of the shipp
the Pilgrim aged 40 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article hee saith that during all the tyme arlate the arlate
John Bland and Company videlicet the sayd Bland and Richard Richardson and
this deponent were and are the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors
of the shipp the Pilgrim, and of her tackle apparrell and furniture And
hee saith in the moneths of March and
Aprill 1655 there were on board the shipp the Pilgrim one hundred and fiftie butts
of oyle or thereabouts which were laden aboard the sayd ship and consigned to
be delivered at London to the arlate Samuell Bathurst
who paid this deponent freight for them but