HCA 13/70 f.506v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.506v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 14th day of September 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Cowse against Keene}
Suckley Smith}

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Cowse./

d: Suckly


Richard Duck of London Merchant aged 26 yeares or thereabouts
as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent was a factor
resident at Saint Lucar in the yeare 1654 at the tyme when the arlate Edward Keene came in with his vessell the
John and Elizabeth into Saint Lucar and knoweth that hee was then generally accompted to bee
the Master of the sayd vessell and did take care of and mannage the sayd vessell as
Master thereof And further saving his subsequent depositions hee cannot depose./

To the 2: 3: 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that hwee
this deponent knoweth nothing of the letteing the sayd shipp to freight
nor of the bargaine made betwixt the sayd Cowse and Keene touching the same for
that hee was then at Saint Lucar in Spaine And further to these articles hee cannot depose
saving hee saith that hee this deponent (being a Correspondent of the sayd Cowse at
Saint Lucar and the sayd Keene arriveing there with his sayd vessell and divers
goods which as this deponent heard were laded on board her for Accompte of the
sayd Cowse and ordered to be transported to Santa Cruse arlate) did perswade
and advise the sayd Keene to goe with the sayd goods from Saint Lucar to Santa Cruse
according to contracte betweene the sayd Cowse and Keene and hee this deponent
told the sayd Keene that hee did conceive that it would be bery preiudiciall
to the sayd Cowse if hee the sayd Keene did not proceede to Palma with the
sayd goods laded for Mr Cowes his Accompt and with all told the sayd Keene
that hee this deponent was very well assured that the sayd Cowse had at Palma
provided a ladeing of wyne or other merchandize to be there transported to
England and that therefore it would be necessarie for the sayd Keene to proceede on
her voyage to Palma according to agreement
amd hee this deponent endeavoured to perswade the sayd Keene not to unlade any of the said Mr Cowes his goods at Saint
Luicar but to expecte an answere of a letter which, hee this deponent wrote to the sayd Mr Cowes touching the arriveing [#]

of the sayd vessell at Saint Lucar (immediately after the same vessell arrived there) which letter this deponent showed and read
to the sayd Keene


And hee saith that the sayd Keene
haveing mett with some disaster at sea whereby hee had spent his masts this
deponent did in the behalfe of the sayd Cowse offer him the sayd Keene to supplie
him with money sufficient to repayre his sayd vessell and fitt her to
proceede on her voyage to Palma and in order thereunto hee this deponent
did pay unto the sayd Keene and others by his appointment the summe of twenty
pounds sterling or thereabouts which notwithstanding the sayd Keene did
at Saint Lucar till this deponent in [?XXX] of [?XXtournes] that hee would goe directly for England and thereupon lett out his sayd vessell to ffreight to bring goods to London although
this deponent earnestly perswaded him to proceede on his sayd voyage to Palma
and although his shipp was then repayred and in as good condition to have proceeded on
his voyage to Palna as to have come to London did refuse to goe to Palma and came for London And further to these articles
hee cannot depose saving his subsequeny deposition./

To the 7th hee cannot depose/

To the 8th hee saith that this deponent did the sixth of december
1654 new style send a letter to the sayd Cowse (being the letter above mentioned)
and thereby certified him that the sayd Keene was then at Saint Lucar, but had happened
a disaster at sea which had at present disabled him to proceede on his voyage to
Palma, and that hee this deponent had offered the sayd Keene to furnish him
with what moneys was necessare and assiste him in what lay in this deponents
power that hee might proceede on his voyage to Palma And hee saith the sayd