HCA 13/70 f.503r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 503 |
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Colin Greenstreet |
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To the 14th hee saith hee beleeveth that since the tyme Interrate
there hath bin other repayres (besides repayres of the damages
predeposed of) done to the Exeter Merchant but what the same amount unto, or whether they
bee distinguished from the repayres of the damage by him this
rendent predeposed of hee knoweth not, for that hee hath not seene nor
is privie to the Accompts touching the same And further hee
cannot answere/
To the last hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his
foregoeing deposition/
The marke of the sayd
James M Merrit./ [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The third day of September 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Cowse against Keene}
Suckley Smith}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd
See the first 4 in
D .5.
Henry Crooke of Saint Olave Hartestreete London Merchant
aged 23 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the sayd alleagation hee saith hee cannot depose for that hee
knew not the shipp John and Elizabeth till after her arrivall in Spaine./
To the 2: 3 4th and fifth articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent was present at Saint Lucar in Spaine when the sayd shipp or Catch John and
Elizabeth came in thither, and sawe and observed that at her arrivall there
shee was miserably shattered and torne, videlicet her midshipp broken downe to
the water, her masts broken downe by the board, and all her standing rigging torne
and spoiled, and none [?left] on board her to governe and guide her but the
Master himselfe (who was then dangerously sick on board and not able
to give any assistance in the conduct of the sayd vessell) and Samuell
Lansett the sayd Masters mate, and a boy, And the publique report at Saint Lucar
was that the sayd disaster was occasioned by fowle weather which shee
met with at sea, and alsoe by reason a shipp called the Supply (one [?ffluite
Master) ranne fowle of them and thereby broake her midshipp and masts as
aforesayd, And alsoe saith that the reporte there alsoe was that all
the rest of the sayd shipp of Catch her company (seeing the danger shee
was in by the hurt receaved as aforesayd) did presently forsake her
fearing shee would perish in the sea, and went presently on board the
shipp Supplie and came noe more on board the sayd Catch. And hee this
deponent seeing her come into Saint Lucar in that torne condition and
most of her company gone well knoweth that the sayd Catch John and
Elizabeth could not possibly proceede on her voyage to the Canarie
Islands as she was designed to have done untill shee were repaired
of her hurt and damage receaved and other mariners gott to navigate her, And
further to these articles hee cannot depose./