HCA 13/70 f.489v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.489v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second Interogatory he answereth that he was present
at the time interrate when the said salt was delivered to the interrate
Nosworthy his Agent, by name one James hill the said
Nosworthys brother in Law, and that the sayd hill did
lade aboard the said shipp her lading of pilchers
predeposed of, And further he cannot answeare.

To the third interrogatory he answereth that the sayd Rawlinsons part
in the salt interrate was the proceed of his part of [?coles]
being the said shipps lading a former voyage, and that his
part of the said fish was payd for in ready money by him
the Rendent unto the said Skinner and hallett the partyes in
this cause, And he sayth that the particular summe payd for
the said Rawlinsons part of the said fish will clearly
appeare by the Accounts , which one of the sayd partyes either
Skinner or hallett or Nosworthy or the said hill his Agent have in their hands or custody And
further he cannot answeare.

To the fourth article he answereth and saith that the contract or
bargaine predeposed of was made in an upper roome of the
[?Bell] Taverne in Saint Nicholas lane, there being then none present
but the sayd Skinner and hallett and Gregory and him
the Rendent, and that the interrate Rawlinson and Tayler
left the busines on their parts to this Rendent telling him
that they were willing and contented to doe as this Rendent
did, And further he cannot answere.

To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth he hath a sixteenth
part of the interrate shipp, three two and thirty parts
in the salt, and a 16th in the fish And to the
rest he answereth negatively./.

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin.





Beale against Goodin and Langdon}
Clements Smith}

Examined upon the allegation given in and admitted
the 18th of September 1655/ on the sayd Beales behalfe



Gilford Elve of Wapping Wall in the parish of Stepney
and County of Middlesex Shipwright where hee hath lived
about sixteene yeares last past aged 55 yeares or
thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article hee saith that during all the tyme arlate the arlate Symon
Beale hath bin and is commonly reputed to be A part Owner of the
shipp the Providence of London arlate and hee this deponent knoweth
that for divers yeares last past the sayd Symon Beale hath bin Master of
the sayd vessell and this deponent hath knowne him goe divers voyages in her
as Master of her and saith for Master of her during all the tyme arlate
the sayd Beale hath bin and is Commonly reputed And further to this
article hee cannot depose./