HCA 13/70 f.485v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.485v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2d article he referreth himselfe to the Charter=
=party therein mentioned And further cannot depose

To the third and fourth articles he cannot depose.

To the fifth article of the said allegation he deposeth and
saith that he the deponent being an auncient acquaintance
and a neere Neighbour of the arlate Symon Beale
the producent was requested by him to goe along with
Mr John Buckingham a Norway Master to the yard
of Oliver Langdon one of the parties in this cause there to
view a pile of halfe deales and peines, and that upon
a seripus and exact view taken therof by him the
deponent and the said Buckingham they did estimate
the said pile to containe fower hundred deales
at sixescore the hundred accompting halfe a deale and a peice to a whole deale
being cutt, and he saith that he the deponent
hath used the Norway trade for about 18 or 19 yeares last
past, and that for the most part of the said time he hath
for himselfe and others freighted and laden goods of the same sort
upon the same account, namely, an halfe deale and a peice
have bin accounted for a whole, and that upon his
certaine knowledge and expression Norway Merchants doe
receive and allowe a halfe deale and a peice for a whole,
and that the same is merchantable; And he further deposeth
and saith that the sayd Goodwin and Langdon the defendants
did acknowledge unto thisdeponent that they had besides
the said pile of deale soe viewed and estimated by this
deponent received the Number of seaven thousand and
fourteene deales brought home in the said shipp the Providence
of London, laden aboard for their accompt and alsoe
two hundred deales, which were brought home in the said shipp for
his the said Beales owne accompt, which hee the said Beale
the producent let them have at their demand, because
that then (as they sayd) they were willing to referr the
busines to the arbitrement of some experienced men in
that trade of Norway, which reference unto arbitration he
the deponent saith the said Beale (did of his knowledge(
much dislike, but he saith that by the fault of the said
Goodwin and Langdon or one of them the busines
could never be brought on to any such reference, and that
therupon the said Beale is compelled to sue un this
Court of Admiralty for the recovery of what is due unto
him for the freight of the said deales, And further he
cannot depose

To the sixth article he referreth himselfe to the Charter party arlate
and that the sayd Beale the producent hath told this
deponent that he had receaved the summe of [?XX] and noe [?XX]
of Cxiiij li xv s due unto him for the freight of
the sayd deales, And further he cannot depose

To the seaventh article he deposeth and saith that since the
time by him predeposed of that he the deponent and John