HCA 13/70 f.475v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.475v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the eighth Interrogatory he answereth that he hath noe other knowledge
of the merchant Peter Grout then what came into him the Rendent
from and by the aforenamed Melchior Aranguren, which was
that the said Peter Grout was the sayd de Apatris his Agent
or Correspondent at Cadiz And further he knoweth not
to answeare./

To the ninth Interrogatory he answereth that he referreth himselfe to
his deposition made to the eleaventh article of the allegation And
further cannot answeaare./

To the tenth Interrogatory he answereth that he hath not the least
scruple in his conscience to perswade him that the Linnens interrate
or any part of them doe belong to any frenchman of subiect
of the french King, And that he is plainely and fully
satisfyed and convinced in his conscience (for and by the
intelligence and advise communicated all along concerning the said
Linnens by the said Aranguren the said de Apatris his
Correspondent here unto this Rendent) that the said Linnens
are the proper goods of the said de Apatris and of noe body
else And further he cannot answeare./

To the eleaventh Interrogatory he answereth that he doth not particularly
knowe of more then the 800 lb weight of redd woolls that [?they]
the interrate Bertram de Baud and Mathew de La fitt had
in their hands of and belonging unto the said Lopez de
Apatris, and he saith that the said wools were worth 800 li
or thereabouts as he beleiveth, And that the Linnens interrate
were bought and laden upon the account of the product of the
said woolls, And further he cannot answeare./

To the 12th Interrogatory he answereth that he verily beleiveth that there
was no Insurance made upon the Linnens interrate either
here in England or in ffrannce, for that if any Insurance
had bin, he is sure that the same aswell as all other passages
concerning the buying and lading of the said Linnens
would have bin communicated unto him the Rendent by the
said Melchior de Aranguren, and if any Insurance
had bin made upon them or any part of them in
ffrannce the Letters concerning the Lading them aboard the shipp
the hare in the feild interrate which were communicated into
this Rendent would have made mention thereof And
further he cannot answeare./

To the 13th Interrogatory he answereth that he beleiveth that the
Linnens interrate are of the manufacture of france./

To the fourteenth Interrogatory he answereth that he hath
seene Letters written from and by the interrate Bertram
de Baud and Mathew de La ffitt certifying from what
port the shipps that brought the woolls interrate
came, and what were the names of the said shipps that
soe brought the said woolls, and that as he beleiveth and
best remembreth the names of the shipps were the [?AXXX]
and the Russett ffish, and that they came with the said
woolls from Cadiz or some poort neere adioyning And
further he cannot answeare.