HCA 13/70 f.473r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 473 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/16 |
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To the twelfth Interrogatory he answereth that the Redd wooll
interrate was sent (as he hath predeposed) from Cadiz
but he saith he dth not now remember the name of
the shipp nor the name of the Master of her that brought
the said wooll, And otherwise he cannot answeare./
To the thirteenth Interrogatory he answereth that the Letters
interrate were communicated unto him this Rendent and
Mr Nicholas[?Blagne] of London Merchant by the
producent Melchiro Aranguren, who hath the sayd
Letters stilll in his custody (as he beleiveth) And
further he cannot answeare./
To the fourteenth Interrogatory he answereth that he never
saw the bales of Linnen interrate, and therefore referreth
himselfe to the accompt predeposed of by him, remayning
in the Registry of this Court, which saidf Accompt
particularizeth the values, qualityes and quantitys of every
Baile of the said eight bailes of Linnen, And he
beleiveth that there was nothing in the said bales but
Linnen, at least wise neither money, nor plate nor
Jewells, for he never heard that such commodities ever
came out of ffrance into Spayne And otherwise
he cannot answeare./
Repeated before Doctor
Thomas de Guzman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
13th of September 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
The claime of the sayd Bartholomew}
Lopez de Apatris for his goods}
aboard the shipp the hare in the}
feild. Budd ffrancklin}
Nicholas Blake of Dunstan's
in the East London Merchant where
he hath lived about two yeares last
past, aged about 45 yeares, a
wittnes produced, sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth.
To the first article of the said allegation he deposeth and
saith That the arlate Bertram de Baud and Mathew
de la fitt were in the months of ffebruary, March and
Aprill last past and alsoe before living at Roane in ffrannce and were
there the Agents or factors of the articulate Bartholomew
Lopez de Apastris the producent as he beleiveth for that Signior
Melchior Aranguren did diverse times within the said
months communicate Letters unto this deponent which he had received from the
said De Baud and De La ffitt concerning the affaires
of the said de Apastris, and more especially concerning their
having in their hands a quantity of Redd wooll of and
belonging to the said Lopez de Apastris And
further to that article he cannot depose.