HCA 13/70 f.471v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.471v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


were (as he hath predeposed) laden aboard at Cadiz for
his the sayd Da Arangurens account, and for his account
delivered at Roane unto the arlate De Baud and
De La ffitt his the said Arangurens Agents or
ffactors there, who by the sayd Arangurens orders made
sale of the said woolls and with the proceed therof nought
the eight bales of Linnen arlate, And further to the
said articles he cannot depose, saving that the sayd Linnens
were consigned to the aforenamed Bartholomew Lopez de
Apatris at Cadiz or his Assignes there for the account of
him the said De Aranguren./

To the seaventh article of the said allegation he deposeth
and saith that presently upon the Lading of the said eight bales
of Linnens aboard the shipp the hare in the feild arlate
for the account of the arlate Aranguren the producent by
the sayd DE Baud and de La ffitt his ffactors, they
advised him therof (as he hath predeposed) and with the
said Letter sent a bill of Lading, which he the deponent
saw (about a fortnight (as he remembreth) before the
newes came of the said shipps surprizall) and that the said
bill of Lading was signed, John kein, as Master of
the sayd shipp the hare in the feild But he saith he
knoweth not the said John Kein nor his handwryting And
further he cannot depose.

To the eighth article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and
saith That the accompt of and concerning the nature, quality
and quantityes of the Eight bales of Linnen arlate (by him
predeposed of) was received by the arlate Aranguren the producent
here at London, and by him the said Aranguren shewne
unto this deponent about a fortnight before the first
newes came of the takeing or surprizing the arlate shipp
the hare in the ffeild, And he saith that the said Accompt
which he soe saw, and was showne unto him by the sayd
DE Aranguren is the very same thing, paper or Accompt
which he now peruseth and remayneth in the Registry of
this Court And further he cannot answeare.

To the nineth article, he deposeth, that for the reasons by him
predeposed, videlice, he having seene all the Letters of aadvise
concerning the said Redd woolls aswell from, Lopez de Apartris
as alsoe from the said Betram de Baud and Mathew
de La fitt, and the Letters of advise of the salling of the same, and of the
buying of and from the proceed thereof the eight bales of
Linnen arlate, and the bill of Lading and Accompt of
and concerning the said Linnens, he beleiveth in his conscience
and is really satisfyed that the said Eight bales of Linnen
are the proper goods of the arlate Melchior de Aranguren
and that noe body but himselfe hath any part, share or
interest in the said Linnens, and that therefore he the said
De Aranguren runneth the sole hazard and adventure therof
And further he cannot depose.
