HCA 13/70 f.469r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.469r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the thirteenth article he deposeth That by the Newes upon
the Exchange, and the Claime which the sayd Lopez de
Apastris hath putt in for the said nine bales of Linnen
he findeth and knoweth the shipp the hare in the
feild arlate and her ;ading to be taken and seized by some
of the shipps in the immediate service of this Commonwealth
And further he cannot depose.

To the fourteenth article he deposeth and saith that the
arlate Lopez de Apastris is a Spaniard, borne in
Biscay, and that he the deponent hath knowne him
at Sevill, Saint Lucar and Cadiz in Spayne for
tenne yeares last past, and that for all the time his
family hath dwelt and inhabited at Sevill, yet in
respect of his imployment about the Navy
he hath sometimes within the said time been both at
Saint Lucar and at Cadiz And further he cannot

To the fifteenth article he saith his former deposition
is true.

To the Interrogatoryes ministred on the behalfe
of his highnesse the Lord Protector./

Too the first Interrogatory he answereth that he never saw
the interrate shipp the hare in the feild, That he was
borne at Saint Lucar in Spayne, and that he hath lived
here in London for 8 yeares last past saving 2 iourneys
in that time which he hath taken th'one to ffrance, th'other
to fflanders, both wich iourneys tooke not up halfe a yeare
of the said 8 yeares And to the rest he answereth

To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the said Lopez de
Apastris did live in Spayne tenne yeares since of this
deponents sight and knowledge, and that since he the Rendent
hath resided here in London, he hath bin sufficiently advised
of the sayd Lopez de Apastris his living still in Spayne
by having correspondency with him, and he saith that
he the said de Apastris was borne in Biscay And
further he cannot answere./

To the third Interrogatory he answereth that he onely knoweth the
interrate Bertram de Baud and Mathew de La ffitt
by correspondency. which hath bin for about three yeares
last past, during which time they have lived at Roane in
ffrannce, but he saith he knoweth not what Country men
they are, And he further answereth that for the reasons
by him predeposed he being convinced that the Linnens interrate
are the proper goods of the interrate Lopez de Apastris
he beleivth that the sayd Bertram de Baud and
Mathew de La ffitt have not any part or share in
the sayd Linnens, And further he cannot answeare.
