HCA 13/70 f.465r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.465r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the seaventh article of the sayd allegation he deposeth
and saith that the arlate Bertram de Baud and Mathew
de La fitt the roducents Agemnts or ffactors at Roane did
from time to time advise this deponent being Correspondent
with the said producent here in London first of their
providing and buying the nine bales of Linnen arlate
with the proceed of the sayd woolls and other goods for
the accompt of the said Lopez de Apatris the
producent, and then of their being laded and putt on
board the shipp arlate the hare in the feild, which then
lay at haver degrace, and that the sayd shioo
was bound for Cadiz, and that the Master of her
was the arlate John kein, And he saith that by
the bills of Lading and Accompts concerning the said
nine bales of Linnen it appeared unto this deponent
that the said nine bales of Linnen were
the proper goods of the sayd Lopez de Apatris they
being bought by the sayd De Baud and de La fitt
with the proceed of the woolls predeposed of and other
goods which they had in their hands being the proper
goods of the sayd Lopez de Apatris, and that
by their said Letters sent unto him this deponent, from
Roabe this deponent was afvised that the same bales of
Linnen were shipt for the account of
him the said De Apatris at haverdegrace aboard
the arlate shipp to be transported from thence unto
Cadiz for his Account, And that the sayd nine bales
of Linnen were marked and Numbred as in the
Margent, The which he knoweth by the bills of Lading


for the said bales of Linnen sent unto him this
deponent by the said De Baud and de La ffitt
from Roane And further he cannot depose.

To the eighth and ninth articles of the said allegation he
deposeth and saith that there were according to the usuall
custome three bills of Lading all of one tenour signed
for the said bales of Linnen aboard the arlate shipp the hare
in the feild of the said Linnens for the accompy of the
sayd Lopez de Apatris, was sent unto this deponent being
Corresponden here with the ayd de Apatris from and by
the said De Baud and De La ffitt his Agents or ffactors
at Roane, who laded the said Linnens for his Account,
and that the said bill of Lading wihich this deponent had soe
sent him was signed and firmed by the arlate John Kien
the Master of the shipp arlate as the advise ge received from Roane was And that it was a true
and reall bill of lading And not colourable he verily beleiveth for that
the said bill of Lading did agree with his Letters of advise both in numbers and marks, and further
he cannot depose./

To the tenth article he deposeth and saith That the aforenamed
Bertram de Baud and Mathew de La ffitt the producents
Agents or factors at Roane did by their Letters advise this deponent
that the said nine bales of Linnen which they had shipt and
laden aboard the shipp the hare in the ffeild for hs the