HCA 13/70 f.464r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 464 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/10/01 |
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On the seaventh day of September 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Claime of Bartholomew Lopez de Apatris}
of Sevill in Spayne for his goods laden}
aboard the shipp the hare in the feild (whereof}
John Kein was Master) seized by some of}
the shipps in the immediate service of this
Commonwealth. Budd ffrancklin}
Upon the articulate
allegation given in and
admitted on the behalfe
of the sayd Bartholomew
Lopez de Apatris./
Melchior de ffranguren Resident in
this Citty of London, where he hath resided
about the space of fower yeares, Merchant
Native of Villa ffranca in Biscay a
wittnes produced. sworne and examined he
deposeth as followeth
To the first article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and
saith that he the deponent hath knowne the producent
Bartholomew Lopez de Apatris for about sixteene
yeares last past very intimately and familiarly, he this
deponent and the said Lopez de Apatris having before
such time as he came into England (which was about
fower yeares since) lived in house together both at Sevill
and Cadiz in Spayne, and having had much trading
and commerce together, and that by such the
familiarity between them the deponent and the producent
he the deponent well knoweth the arlate Bertram de
Banda and Mathew de La fflitt, who doe at present and
have lived for eight yeares last past at Roane in ffrance
(of this deponents knowledge, who hath had and held dealing and
correspondence with them) and that for and during all
the saud time there hath bin and at present is communication
and correspondence between them the arlate De Baud
and de La ffitt and the sayd Lopez de Apatris the
producent And further he saith he cannot depose
to the said article/
To the second article he deposeth and saith That he this
deponent hath bin resident here in London about fower
yeares last past, and that for and during all the
sayd time and at this present he the deponent is and
hath been the Agent and Correspondent of the sayd
Lopez de Apatris the producent, and that alsoe for and
during the time of this deponents residence here in
London the aforenamed Bertrand de Baud and
Mathew de La ffitt the producents Agents or Correspondents
at Roane have advised this deponent here in London
concerning the businesses and affaires of the sayd producent, And
further to the said article he cannot depose.
To the third article he deposeth and saith That he the deponent
being Correspondent here for the said Lopez de Apatris did
receive advice of Letters from him the sayd Apatris (about