HCA 13/70 f.453v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.453v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


parcell videlicet of forty baggs was weighed and delivered and before any more
baggs were weighed and delivered out of the sayd 300 hundred and odd baggs of ginger
there was one hundred baggs ginger weighed out of the remaynder of the sayd 300 hundred and odd baggs and sett by for one Swinnock
(whome this deponent belleveth to be the party in this suite) and the same being weighed
was removed and sett into an other warehouse at Ralphes Key next adioyning to the
same warehouse where teh remaynder of the sayd 300 hundred and odd baggs laye, to be kept for the
use of the sayd Swinnock, And hee saith that every of the parcells of ginger
weighed out of the sayd 300 hundred and off baggs and delivered or sett by for the ise of
those who bought them, were indifferently and impartially divided from the
whole three hundred and odd baggs, and taken iust as they arose out of the whole
heape of baggs by this deponent and his sayd precontests without picking or chooseing#out any particular baggs, soe that this deponent well knoweth that they who bought
the rest of the ginger arlate had noe greater benefit by takeing their parcells
first, then they would have had if the sayd Swinnock had taken his hundred
baggs first, the premisses hee deposeth being as aforesayd one of the sayd
Commissioners porter, and present at, and helpeing in the first
takeing in of the whole three hundred and odd baggs from on shippp board into the sayd
warehouse, and alsoe helpeing to weigh every of the parcells sold out of the
same, and helpeing to weigh and sett by the sayd hundred baggs for the sayd Swinnock
And further hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth in this cause
by the procurement of the sayd Commissioners and hath noe share or intereste
in the ginger Interrogated nor is any of the warehouse keepers Interrogate, and saith
the ginger Interrogated lay in a warehouse at Ralphs Key, where this deponent sawe it often
during the tyme Interrogated having occasion often to goe thereunto by reason hee is a
porter imployed by the sayd Commissioners to deliver such goods as they sell, but
how many tymes hee was therein hee cannot certainly remember./

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth there was three hundred and odd baggs
of ginger in the whole parcell, and saith hee knoweth not by name any of the persons
who bought the sayd ginger nor knoweth of anylotts cast for the same, nor whose
lott was first if any lotts were made of the same, and saith that the hundred
baggs sett out for the sayd Swinnock were weighed and sett by out of the remaynder of the whole next after the forty
baggs aforesayd were weighed and delivered, and saith they who bought warrants
from the sayd Commissioners for receiving their parts of the said
ginger did (without any lotts cast that this deponent noweth of) receive their parts
out of the whole according as this deponent and his precontests delivered the same unto
them, videlicet hee that receaved the sayd 40 baggs, receaved the same out of the whole three
hundred and odd baggs as it arose, and then the sayd Swinnocks one hundred baggs were weighed
off and sett by to be kept for him as aforesayd, and the other persons had their parts
out of the remaynder of the sayd three hundred and odd baggs And saith hee this deponet
was present at the delivery of all the ginger which was taken away out of the
parcell of three hundred and odd baggs Interrogate and further saving his foregoeing deposition hee
cannot answere./

To the 3th