HCA 13/70 f.441r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 441 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/14 |
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and damage to their vessell the Rebecca comming with the tyde of
ebb had bin to have kept in the midest of the River of Thames and in case they had received any damage or hurt by falling fowle of the Love as aforesayd [?best ?way] [#] And
in this deponents Judgment
had bin for to have
present;y steered their
shipp to shoare
thereby they might have
prevented damage from
happening to their ladeing
further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregpeing deposition is true/
Repeated before doctor Clarke/
his marke
Tho TB [?Bomer] [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon teh sayd allegation
John Withers of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County
of Middlesex mariner aged 45 yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first 2 and 3 articles hee saith that hee this deponent was one of the Company
of the vessell the Love arlate now called the Mary (whereof the
arlate Richard Thompson was and is Master) the tyme arlate and thereby
knoweth that the sayd vessell the Love about two a clock in the morning
on the 22th of June last past was coming up the River of Thames betwixt
Blackwall and Greenwich against tyde (it then being ebbing water)
and came as neere the shoare as conveniently shee could the better to
avoide the forme of the ebb shee comming against tyde and very little winde being [?stirring] at least not enough to stemme the Ebb and saith at the same tyme
the arlate Vessell the Rebecca came downe the sayd River with the
tyde of Ebb and hee saith that the sayd Thompson observing that
the Rebecca although shee came with tyde came neere the
shoare and drew neere the vessell the Love, called to the Master
and Company of the Rebecca and asked them, where they would be with their
sayd vessell, whereupon the Master of the Rebecca or some of his company
spake to the sayd Thompson and first bidd him starboard his helme, and
then imediately bid him port his helme, and the sayd Thompson
being him slefe at the helme of the Love, did first starrboard
her, and afterwards port her as was desyre, and steered her as neere
the shoare as possible hee could without running her aground which
notwithstanding the sayd vessell the Rebecca continueing on her course
fell fowle upon the sayd vessell the Love and soe fell off againe without
soe much as touching the hull of the Love or receiving any
hurt at all from her soe farr as this deponent being then aboard could
or did observe, and this deponent beleeveth shee the sayd Rebecca
did not receive any hurt by her soe falling fowle on the Love, for that
hee well sawe and observed that by reason little winde was stirring shee
the Rebecca came soe easily on board the Love that shee did not with her
boltspritt teare the sayle or hurt the Mast of the Love or doe any other
damage thereto which shee must needes have done if shee had fallen soe
violently fowle on the Love as to receive any damage to her the Rebecca
from the vessell the Love And further to these articles hee cannot
To the 4th hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposition/