HCA 13/70 f.434r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 434 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/03 |
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presently after her arrivall in the harbour of Saint Lucar and saith shee was then much shattered
and bruised and hurt and her midshipp broken downe very neere to the
water and her quarter broken downe and her maynemast and bolstspritt lost, and her mizen mast broken
and a peece thereof sett up for a Jury mayne mast, the better
to guide and helpe her at sea to attayne some harbour which disaster
and damage (as the common reporte at SainLucars amongst Merchants and
Seamen was) happened by reason of a violent storme at sea wherein
a Shipp (by like reporte sayd to be the Supplie one ffluite Master) who
was in company with the John and Elizabeth was driven fowle of her
and thereby broke her midshipp and quarter and did her other damage which
(as the sayd reporte was) caused the sayd shipp the John and Elizabeths company
(all but her Master and his mate and a boy) imediately to forsake her and
to take them selves to the sayd shipp the Supplie and leave the John and Elizabeth
to the mercie of the sea as a vessell not to be preserved from perishing
and come noe more at her And this deponent well knoweth and sawe that at
her arrivall at Saint Lucar shee had only the sayd Master and mate and boy aboard
her and some Spaniards or other outlandish men who helped to towe
her into harbour And this deponent saith that by the like reporte the
sayd shipp was many dayes at sea in that shattered and bruised
condition and without any of her company save the Master and Mate and boy
aforesayd and drave up and downe at sea without masts to her great
hazard and perill And hee this deponent well knoweth that at her comming
into the harbour of Saint Lucar the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth was not fitt
to goe upon any voyage whatsoever through the great damage and hurt shee
had receaved as aforesayd the premisses hee the better knoweth being
a shipp Carpenter by profession and being one imployed by the sayd Keene the Master
of her to mend and repaire the sayd shipp And further hee cannot depose
saving hee saith the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth was a new built shipp as
well appeared by her, and tight and stronge in her hull (save what damage
she had receaved by the sayd shipp Supplie falling fowle of her and by the sayd storme
and knoweth that had shee not soe bin shee [?could] noty have gott safe to harbour
And further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 6th article hee saith hee this deponent sawe divers goods unladen out
of the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth at Saint Lucar and put into boates to be
carried on shoare, and hee heard the arlate Mr Watts (whome he well
knoweth) daye that hee received goods out of the sayd shipp And hee
saith hee knoweth the sayd Keene did cause the sayd shipp to be fitted and
prepared at Saint Lucar to goe a voyage to Sea but whether [?XXXX XXXXX] he knoweth not
(but hath heard the sayd Keene saye that hee intended to prosecute
his voyage to the Canaries) and this deponent knoweth that hee had gotten
and hyred two dutch men and a scott to goe as Maariners
in his sayd Shipp and the sayd [?XXXX] sayd he hyred them to goe to the Canaryes which dutch men and Scott robbed the sayd Keenes Cabin
and ranne ashoare with the shipps boate and there left it and escaped clere away
while this deponent was workeing upon the sayd shipp to fitte her to Sea and